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Monday, August 21st 2017 - Salem, Oregon

This morning Harry woke me up at 8 o'clock and urged me to go shower and get done. He said he woke up at 7 which is why he had already been ready at the time he woke me. I wasn't really in the mood to get up at all because last night we stayed up for quite a while because we drove through cities and stopped in some, went shopping, had lunch in one city and dinner in another. It was quite the adventurous day and my feet hurt from walking and trying to keep up with Harry.

LLate at night, we finally arrived in Salem and Harry found us a nice place to stay. But that wasn't the end of our day. We sat down on the bed and ordered pizza at around 11pm and our pizza was finally delivered, we ate it in bed in only our underwear. We talked about everything that came to our minds; except for Boston.

I know Harry doesn't like it that I'm not coming with him. But it's not that I don't want to come with him because I do. It's because I'm not brave enough to jump into the cold water. I may be brave enough to do a lot of stupid and irresponsible crap but moving to a whole different state with a boy I've been together with for two months is risky. Having Harry live with me at my house right now is different than actually living with him on our own. The idea of moving to Boston with Harry isn't off the table, it just isn't an option right now and I know Harry may not like the idea but he understands why I said no.

It might be hard to keep our relationship alive when there is so much distance between us. It might be hard to keep in touch when Harry goes to college in a whole new city where he has to get used to the people and the environment but there always is a way. Distance means so little when you have someone who means so much to you.

We left the motel at quarter to ten and when we sat in the car, Harry couldn't shut up about how excited he is to witness a total solar ecplipse. I don't quite understand what is so special about it because according to Harry the moon is just covering the sun for a few moments and everything gets dark and it will be cold. But that's what Harry is passionate about and I'm ready to freeze for a few moments if Harry is happy afterwards.

Harry drove us to some parking lot so he could park the car and where we would have free access to look up at the sky without trees or buildings blocking the view. Sadly, a few clouds are spread across the sky, making the sun go disappear for a few minutes. The fact that the sky isn't cloudless and it's only fifteen more minutes until the sun is completely covered by the moon for a few moments has Harry complaining the whole time.

"I'm gonna be so angry if the clouds won't disappear soon." Harry complains as he rummages around in the glove box, trying to find the special glasses so he can look right into the sun without going blind.

I look over my shoulder and look at Harry through the windshield. He is furrowing his eyebrows and pressing his lips into a tight line. The serious expression doesn't leave his face when he gets out of the car with two glasses in his hands, handing me one.

"I'm sure you'll be able to see everything," I say, trying to cheer him up a bit, "Look how dark it has already become and quite cold too."

"You haven't looked up yet, right?" Harry asks again. He has been warning me all the time not to look up at the sun, no matter what. Because since the moon is covering the sun, you can look at the sun with no problem because the light of it won't blind you. However, the UV radiation is still there and can destory the eyes which is why Harry bought special sunglasses for us.

"No, I haven't. Don't worry."

"Good, don't want you going blind," Harry says and joins me on the hood of his car, "I mean what a misfortune would that be for you. You couldn't admire my undeniable handsomeness anymore." Harry jokes and I chuckle, shaking my head.

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