21. leaving

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Friday, June, 2nd 2017 - Morry Bay, California

"Let's get dressed and drive away, wherever the car takes us." I suggest completely convinced by my idea but of course I hit doubts with Harry. He is uncertain and ponders my suggestion.

"You're insane, Estelle." Harry chuckles nervously, shaking his head. I fall back into the pillows, my back hitting the soft mattress. Then, Harry rolls on his side, sitting up sideways so he can look down at me. We lock eyes with each other and he lets out a heavy sigh.

"In the middle of the night?" Harry asks and I shrug, "Stella, baby, we can't just drive on our own, away from the others. They'll know something is up between us."

"Let them." I say and pout, lifting my head a bit to get closer to his face. „At this point there's no going back anyway. We screwed up."

  „I know."

We both fall silent but I inch even closer, our faces are so close I can feel his breath. Harry smiles but shakes his head. Our lips touch for a second and just when Harry leans in and wants to deepen our kiss, I pull away and roll away from underneath his body and get up from the bed. Harry falls forwards and his chest and head hit the bed.

I pick up my panties and my bra, quickly putting them on. When I see Harry still hasn't gotten up yet I climb into the bed again and jump on it. Harry's body rises and sinks with the movement of the mattress as I jump around on it. Then I plop down and attack his neck with kisses.

"I swear, you're like a child sometimes." Harry says and I giggle, starting to pinch his hips.

"Stop pinching me!" Harry laughs and wiggles underneath me. I keep pinching his sides while he tries to get me off him as I sit on his back.

"Estelle...please," Harry begs in between laughs, "Get off me."

I stop pinching his sides and instead lean over the edge of the bed to get his boxers briefs. I throw them at him, "Put them on."

His face turns serious, "Estelle."

"Harry," I mock his slow and deep voice and even try to imitate his British accent but fail miserably, "C'mon, it'll be fun."

"I don't doubt that but everyone will be mad." Harry says turning around on the bed so I straddle his hips, "Sam already wants to decapitate me."

"Aww is little baby Harry scared?" I purr and poke both his cheeks with my index fingers. His adorable dimples appear when he smiles. Harry catches my wrists and presses them to my side.

"Stop that."

"Are you coming with me or do you want me to go alone?" I challenge him.

"Oh, you're threatening to leave me here all alone? Going on a road trip on your own? May I ask you how you intend to leave? Walk, maybe?" Harry smirks, thinking he got me.

"I'd use your car, duh."

"Did you just tell me you would steal my car?" Harry chuckles and I nod shrugging, "You'd make a bad thief."

"Ha-ha and now get up, Harry. We won't be gone for long, only a few nights," I say and pull at his arms to drag him out of bed but he refuses to, "Harry, please."

"A few nights?" Harry asks dumbfounded, "This is a really bad idea."

"Most of the times bad ideas end up being the most fun."

"Or illegal."

"Quit fighting me on this amazing idea of having a real road trip!" I exclaim and cross my arms in front of my chest. Harry still lies underneath me as my legs are on either side of his stomach. Harry places his large hands on my thighs and moves them up and down.

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