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Monday, July 17th 2017 - Brookings, Oregon

Harry sternly crosses his arms in front of his chest and furrow his eyebrows as he watches me sitting with Sam on the floor. Sam's hand is still underneath my chin but he drops it when he looks over his shoulder to see who was speaking. Harry tenses up at the sight of me being so close to Sam.

Sighing, I fall back against the concrete wall and close my eyes. Judging by Harry's voice I can already tell that this conversation is going to go out of hand and we will fight. I still have to address the drug topic too.

"I asked a question." Harry reminds me and I open my eyes again, looking past Sam at Harry. He doesn't exactly look angry, rather confused and...hurt.

"Sam just-"

"I came here to comfort her because you couldn't do it." Sam says.

"I couldn't comfort her because I was being taken care of since I was fuckíng shot in the arm," Harry says and now his confused expression turns into an angry one, "And don't you tell me anything about comforting Stella. I was there for her when you were being a díck to her. I comforted her after she took drugs, after you two broke up, after everyone seemed to be angry with her, after she lost two of her best friends."

"And why did all of this happen? Huh? Why did you have to comfort her? Because you couldn't keep it in your pants and had to fuck her although she was mine!" Sam says while raising his voice. He slowly stands up and I spring to my feet, ready to prevent yet another fight.

We discussed this so many times and three days ago I thought we were over this. I thought Sam tried to move on and we could be friends again. But he is still hurt and the sight of Harry and I together still seems to stab him in the heart.

But is it my fault that I fell in love with Harry? Isn't it fate? Wasn't it supposed to happen? Or could I have prevented it? But I wouldn't even have wanted to prevent it. If I could turn back time to when I thought I still loved Sam and Harry and I were just friends, I wouldn't. I would take all this drama again, I would go through it if it meant that I was allowed to fall for Harry.

Because even though he is being a díck lately, even though he is lying to me and cares deeply for Jess, I do love him and I know he loves me too. I have never felt so loved in my entire life by someone else than my family. Harry is always there to cheer me up, make me laugh, protect me and make me feel loved.

"Guys, please don't fight again." I sigh and walk closer to Harry so I can stand between him and Sam. Both boys angrily watch each other as I awkwardly stand in the middle. Sam has his fists clenched while Harry's arms are still crossed in front of his chest. He clenches and unclenches his jaw.

"She didn't love you anyway!" Harry yells back and my lips part.

It is the truth. I did not love Sam, never have. But it was low and disrespectful of Harry to shout this at him. Sam's hands unclench and his shoulders sink down. His brown eyes no longer hold an angry expression but a hurt one. One, that shows Harry's words hit him deep inside.

"I know she didn't but she made me happy and I fight for things that make me happy." Sam says.

Harry takes a step closer and my heart beat goes faster. For some reason I'm scared of his overtrumping and present aura right now. He glances at me for a second before he focuses back on Sam.

"So do I," His voice is deep and slow. He speaks cautiously and determined, so Sam will understand exactly what he said and what he meant, "But I feel like you're fighting for nothing."

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