35. advise

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                             Saturday, June 17th 2017 - Eugene, Oregon

             Aimlessly, I swing my feet back and forth in the small bucket Beth and I filled with cold water. We are sitting in her backyard, across from each other on chairs with a bucket between us.

 Sunglasses cover both our eyes and I have them closed as I enjoy the warm sun on my face. I have been here for a few hours already and I haven't mentioned my date with Harry yet. Beth spoke about Dylan and how they haven't had sex since we came back from our road trip. She also told me how upset she is about it yet she rejects him on every occasion.

  "Jess called me the other day," Beth pipes up and I open my eyes immediately, "She called me after you visited her. Said she hates you for what you did to her and how you took her boyfriend from her."

 I let out a hollow snort, "I know she despises me. But it's ridiculous how she is willing to fucking forgive Harry."

  "Are you two in a fight?"

  "No. We're good, very good actually. He took me out, on a real date. Two days ago," I inform her, "What I mean: Harry cheated too and Jess doesn't want to see that. She doesn't want to realize that her little and oh so perfect boyfriend isn't so perfect after all."

  "Jess doesn't approve of what Harry did to her either—"

  "She doesn't approve but she despises me for it. And that's fucking ridiculous to me." I say and fold my arms in front of my chest after taking my sunglasses off. "I don't want her to hate Harry and I also don't want her to just throw her forgiveness at me. I just think that she is still in denial that Harry and I messed up together."

  "You told her Harry doesn't love her."

 I sigh, "I know, I shouldn't have said that." I tell Beth and look at her, "It's true, though."

 Beth removes her sunglasses as well and leans a bit forward, resting her elbows on her bare knees. Her dark brown eyes look me over until her eyes remain on mine.

  "I understand the way Jess feels. I've been cheated on, too. Well, not exactly because Dylan and I aren't in a relationship but it feels like it. Jess must feel worse. Her actual boyfriend cheated on her with her best friend. That has to be horrible! And just imagine how she must feel when she sees you two together now," Beth says and I don't really get where she is going with her words, "Jess hates Harry as much as she hates you right now but she's also head over heels for him and convinced he's the actual one for her. Of course, she wants to forgive him but not you. She needs to blame it on someone and if not Harry then you have to pay."

  "Still, she makes me feel like shit and anxious that I'll lose Harry," I mumble and Beth raises her eyebrows as if I said something, she wouldn't expect to hear from me, "He grew on me, this stupid little asshole."

  "What do you mean he grew on you?"

  "He is nice, makes me laugh, makes me feel good. Remember when you said I should find someone who fucks and treats me right? Well, I found him. Harry does both and I hate him for that." I admit slightly embarrassed. Admitting to Beth that there is a boy who I actually like is quite hard and embarrassing. The two of us were never the girls that dated boys.

  "Damn, it's worse than I thought." Beth sighs and falls back against the backrest of her chair, looking at me like I just told her the most worrying news.


  "When I gave you that advise I didn't think it'd be Harry who this applies to. Fuck, Stella, you have a crush on your best friend's ex-boyfriend!"

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