08. stoned

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Sunday, May, 28th 2017 - ???, Oregon

"An hour is now over, I can change the station!" Sam exclaims and reaches over to the radio to change to another station. When we started following Dylan with Harry's car and Harry turned on the radio, Sam immediately complained about the music.

Sam never liked any other music style than Hip Hop. Sometimes, he listens to some pop music but alternative rock? He really can't stand that type of music, so of course he wants to change the radio station.

"Don't touch my radio." Harry growls and shoots him a short death glare before his eyes focus back on the road.

I ignore their childish fight over changing the radio station and continue to stare out of the small window of Harry's Ford Capri. Two huge bags are placed on the seat beside me.

The ride doesn't show anything spectacular or exciting. I only see cars and trucks passing us. It seems to be an endless lane, with nothing impressive to see.

Jess has been texting me the whole time, asking how the mood is. I, of course, know that she only wants to know if Harry's okay and how he's feeling and if he misses her. Sometimes, I wonder if Harry really likes this clingy side of Jess or if he just endures it so she won't get upset.

"Hey, Estelle!" Sam tears me out of my thoughts, "Harry just said he's going around town with Jess when we've finally arrived in Redding. We could go with them," Sam suggests and I have to stop myself from letting out an annoyed groan, "And tonight is a party at someone's house, Dylan knows the host so we can go there, too."

The party tonight sounds good. A party in a house means that it isn't very likely to cross paths with Harry. Harry is not annoying me but I feel like ever since the first time we slept with each other, I'm forced to spend every single time with him.

Harry glances at me through the rear view mirror as I say, "We could also stay at the motel."

"Oh come on, this is your birthday week, baby. We're doing this road trip so you can see something! and not to stay in your bed all the time." Sam intervenes and turns around in his seat to look at me. He places his hand on my bare knee.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming with you." I give up and sigh at the thought of several hours with Harry and Jess together. I lean forward to give Sam a kiss but before our lips even touch, Harry speaks up.

"You know, you can actually change the radio station." Harry says and I frown. Sam, on the other hand, smiles big and immediately leans away from me to change the radio station to something else.

I see Harry rolling his eyes in the rear view mirror before they once again meet mine. I don't feel comfortable underneath his constant stare.

Sam seems to recognize Harry's constant staring as well because he punches Harry's arm, "Eyes on the road, dude."

"I have my eyes on the road. I was just looking—" Harry defends himself.

"—at my girlfriend."

"No, I wasn't and now shut the fuck up, I'm driving." Harry growls and I roll my eyes.

I look at my phone and see that we should arrive in about thirty minutes. Great, thirty more minutes filled with awkward tension.


Somehow, I survived the most awkward car ride I've ever had with Harry and Sam. And somehow, I even survived the shopping with Harry and Jess. Now, I'm laying facedown on the bed in Beth's motel room while Beth's rolling a joínt.

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