52. moon and sun

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                             Friday, July 14th 2017 - Eugene, Oregon


                         "You can see your friend, Bethany Forbes, now. She is still tired and probably won't say much. Please do not yell or overwhelm her. It might be better if two at a time go in there and not all of you at once." The doctor tell us and all of us listen and nod.

  "I'm going in there first. I need to see her. I don't care who comes with me." Dylan says and stands up immediately. Impatiently, he rushes to the doctors side, ready to be led to Beth's room.

  "I want to come with you." Stella quietly speaks up and stands up from her chair next to Harry's. The doctor nods and the two of them follow him to a room down the corridor, leaving Harry, Jess and me alone here. Fucking great.

 The silence between us couldn't be any more awkward. None of us know what to say to each other after everything that happened and now that we are "moving on and trying to get along again". Bullshit. Every time I see Harry I want to break his nose again.

 How dare he say that I never loved Stella? That I only wanted to conquer her to boost my ego? That I tried changing her into someone else? I have always been patient with her. Maybe not so much toward the end but it isn't my fault completely. She challenged me. Challenged me every time we talked or went out or met friends.

 I remember when I first saw her I was mesmerized by her. She didn't even know my name, probably didn't even know about my existence but her presence filled every room she was in. She still does that. I immediately wanted to get to know her better. Jess introduced me to her and I don't know whether I was blessed or cursed by being introduced to Stella. I didn't even know two things about Stella and she barely paid any attention to me at first. I was so desperate, I called Jess the next day to find out as much as I could about Stella.

 I worked my ass off, trying to win her over. I never wanted to ask for too much, I was scared I would scare off. I knew how she felt about dating, so I knew it would take a lot of convincing and impressing her. I wanted to show her that a relationship isn't the end of the world but she rejected me each time—yet that didn't stop me from trying.

 After many months, I had almost had her. I had already been in love with her before I asked her to be my girlfriend. Then Stella picked up Harry and he was introduced to our group. That same night I started to develop a dislike towards him. I knew Stella had the same effect on him as she had on me when I first met her. Harry was under Stella's spell, the only difference was she paid much more attention to him the first time she met him, than she ever paid to me when I had first met her.

 That whole night she had spent with Harry, introducing him to our other friends, dancing with him, joking around and laughing, trying to get him out of his shell. I was pushed to the sideline that night and I hated every second of it. It took me months to get her to be interested in me and then Harry came along one night and she paid him all the attention I had ever wanted.

 I knew Harry liked her and was crushing on her, and I couldn't even blame him. But I hated him for it nevertheless. Because he caught Estelle's eye and she loved inviting him to parties, she loved having him around. My hatred for Harry got less when Estelle agreed to be my girlfriend. A while later he started dating Jess, so I couldn't get rid of him. Sadly. But at least I didn't have to worry about him trying to get with Stella.

 But the longer Stella and I were together, the more she drove me crazy. Literally crazy. Her ridiculous want to be independent, her stupid dislike on commitment and devotion made our relationship a huge and wild roller coaster. Our views on love just wouldn't match. But Harry? Out of all people she chooses a guy who likes to ponder about the universe and is a hopeless romantic? What's he got that I don't have?

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