36: pep rally

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The first weekend of the school year was spent in Pittsburgh for Cory and Shawn. They hopped on a greyhound bus, in hopes to reunite Topanga's parents and reignite their spark. However they learned something new, that Mr. Lawrence had an affair, and that the chances of Topanga's parents getting back together were nearly non-existent.

Meanwhile Heather tried to get through to Topanga, but she let her stubbornness get a hold of her. It didn't matter what Heather said, Topanga refused to listen.

  The whole week Heather and Shawn were nearly apart, and as much as they loved their friends, they waited too long to be together, to not spend time together.

  Heather and Shawn attended to Pennbrook's pep rally, and instead of showing some school spirit, they were too busy with each other's company.

"If I was only gonna be alive for one minute, I would spend it telling you that I love you!" Shawn yelled over the loud crowd.

"And if you were only gonna be alive for one minute, I would tell you to shut up and kiss me!" Heather yelled back.

The couple shared a passionate kiss, cancelling out the world surrounding them and embraced each other.

It had been awhile since Heather felt such intense feelings of love and lust. She felt like she reverted to when she was a little girl, and had the feeling of butterflies in her stomach from when she and Shawn shared their first kiss.

After everything they went through she was content they finally made it. They've matured, communicated their feelings better, and now they can enjoy being happily in love.

"I booked us dinner reservations for tonight," Shawn told Heather between kisses.

Heather slowly pulled away and gave Shawn a sly smile. She felt her cheeks tighten and raise in temperature.

"You didn't have to," Heather replied.

"I know, but I wanted to," Shawn stated.

He held Heather's hands with a slight grip, and gazed into her eyes.

"I haven't felt this happy in a long time, and I never wanna lose you again."

Heather felt the same, she nodded in agreement. As she went to lean in for another kiss, she couldn't help but hear Topanga ranting about Cory.

"Babe, give me and Topanga five minutes, okay," Heather said. Shawn looked devastated to let her go, they haven't left each other's side all week. "I'll make up for it tonight, after dinner of course," She added flirtatiously.

Shawn happily got up from the couch, and left to get some water to hydrate.

"Topanga, what else can Cory do to reassure you that he won't hurt you? Hell, he even went to Pittsburgh to get your parents back together," Heather spoke.

"I know," Topanga replied sorrowful.

"And wasn't it you who reminded me that although my parents were divorced, that love still existed, and their separation shouldn't affect me?" Heather added.

"I know. You're right," Topanga said. She knew what the right thing to do was let Cory in, but it wasn't gonna be easy. Her parents were the embodiment of love for her growing up, and to see them apart broke her.

Later that day, Heather was getting ready in her dorm for her date with Shawn. She had so much that she wanted to share with him about her summer. Although she was sad that she was away from him, she accomplished a lot in terms with her career.

She reacquainted herself with her friends from LA Prep, sent out samples from her first line, Heather Sinclair Designs. In a matter of a few weeks she's received calls and emails about when her next collection will drop.

After getting dolled up, Heather took one last look in the mirror and touched on her lip gloss and headed out.

"Since my dad was filming a movie in New York, I got to see both of my parents a lot. It was weird that it felt normal having dinner together," Heather told Shawn about her summer endeavors.

The pair sat a restaurant in the heart of downtown, enjoying their dinner out in the patio with atmospheric fairy lights, and ambient music. No matter how many times Shawn laid his eyes on Heather, he's always reminded just how beautiful she was, and how lucky that he's one that's with her.

"Don't tell me your dad is making another romcom," Shawn questioned, while taking a sip of his water.

"No," Heather laughed. "It's called American Psycho, it's about a serial killer in New York. I think. My dad didn't tell me too much."

Shawn showed interest to Charles Sinclair's future film, and continued to share about his summer. He nearly forgot how easy it was to talk to Heather. How comfortable he could be himself without worrying being judged.

"Is everything okay," Heather asked, once she noticed Shawn lost his train of thought and a frowned look upon his face.

"Yeah it's just, ... I can't help but wonder what's gonna happen when we graduate," Shawn stated, letting out a sigh. "I mean your mom's in New York..."

"I guess the logical thing is for me to move in with my mom, but... we're together now Shawn," Heather spoke softly. She reached for his hand and said, "We're in it for the long haul, so no matter what happens after graduation we're gonna be together."

"I can be a write anywhere in the world," Shawn brought up, as his doubts slowly faded away. Although Shawn promised to be a better man, it wasn't easy for his abandonment issues to be quickly resolved.

"I can technically design anywhere too," Heather added. "Let's just promise each other this, wherever I go, we go. And wherever you go, we go."

"Together," Shawn said softly.

"Always," Heather said, squeezing his hand.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now