25: separated

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A couple days had went by, and Heather woke up this morning feeling empty. Heather rubbed her sore eyes open, after silently crying during the night. As she got up from her bed, and stared at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't recognize the girl in the mirror. A sad, broken, vulnerable girl.

   Once she changed into her signature preppy uniformed look, with a white turtle neck, and a plaid skirt, along with black knee high socks and mary janes boots, Heather still didn't feel like herself.

   Topanga walked inside with strawberry cheesecake, one of Heather's favourite dessert, as she wrapped her arms around her, squeezing her into a tight hug.

    "I'm sorry how things turned out for you and Shawn," Topanga said, after learning about the break up.

   Heather thanked Topanga for the cheesecake and set it aside. "I just don't know what to do. He is enough for me, all of the materialistic things don't matter to me," Heather vented, letting out a sigh. "I'd wish he'd knocked on the door right now, and take me back."

   Suddenly a soft knock was heard which quickly lifted Heather's spirits, as well as Topanga's. Happily, yet timidly, Heather approached her dorm door, and slowly opened it as she saw a familiar silhouette.

    "What are you doing here," Heather bluntly asked, as her mood changed significantly.

   Declan puppy blue eyes were wide, and full of regret, as he witnessed Heather's unamused facial expression.

   "I just wanted to tell you that I'm leaving for Dartmouth, and that I'll be gone for good," Declan stayed.


"Heather, I was only a guy in love, trying to do what was best for you," Declan defended himself.

   "What was best for me?," Heather questioned, as she scoffed. "You popped back into my life, and made the only man I ever loved to walk out of it," Heather frustratedly let out.

   As Declan was about to speak, Heather cut him off. "Have a nice life, Declan." She said passive-aggressively as she slammed the door in his face.


    "Now listen Cor, just because Heather and I broke up, doesn't mean things can't go back to before we were dating," Shawn softly spoke to Cory, as they waited for Topanga and Heather to arrive.

   "Shawn, I don't even remember a time where you and Heather weren't dating. Besides, you two belong together," Cory stated passionately.

Shawn couldn't argue back as he agreed to everything Cory said. It was impossible to envision a future without Heather, but he felt like he was not the best for her. Cory knew Shawn agreed by his silence and the apologetic look on his face. Instead of making his best friend guilty for breaking up with his girlfriend, Cory let it go, as he rubbed Shawn's back.

A few moments later, Topanga and Heather approached Cory and Shawn. Topanga greeted Cory with a kiss as Heather and Shawn awkwardly waved at each other. The tension filled the air as the dynamic in the group changed.

"Hi, Heather," Shawn said lowly. His heartbeat faster than ever. He eyed her down and noticed she looked like she always did, uniformed and composed, a feeling he had been lacking recently. He didn't want to believe that Heather could easily move on, but as she stood there, all put-together and normal, he couldn't believe otherwise.

"Hi, Shawn," Heather replied, trying her best to not let her voice shake with sorrow. She prepared for when she was going to see him, and didn't expect him to seem normal either. She hoped that the second Shawn saw her, he would ask for her back. But he didn't.

"We're good, right? We can still hang out and be Heather and Shawn without being Heather and Shawn," He prompted, as the nerves in Shawn's being intensified while being in Heather's presence.

As much as it hurt to be broken up, it would hurt Heather even more to not have Shawn in her life at all. She let out a smile, a fake one, and nodded. "Of course," She replied.

"And it's cool that we see other people, right?" Shawn inquired.

Heather's eyes widen but quickly retracted to conceal her feelings, and continued to act nonchalant. The idea of Shawn moving on so soon broke her heart. No, it's not cool, not cool at all, she thought. She wondered if he really did love her as much as she did, because Heather didn't want to be with anybody else than Shawn.

"We're broken up, you can do whatever you want," Heather responded.

"Yeah, we're broken up," Shawn replied lowly, letting the reality of him and Heather no longer being together fully settle in.

"Hey, Cory and I are heading to movies, you guys wanna join," Topanga inquired, as she leaned her side onto Cory, while he held onto her waist.

"Yeah, Heather and I would love to," Shawn quickly responded enthusiastically, as he smiled over at Heather. By Heather's bleak reaction, Shawn nearly forgot he couldn't act the same with Heather.

"Actually, I have to head to the plaza down at Broad Street. I'm leasing a space for my clothing line," Heather explained as to why she wouldn't be able to join them.

"Oh wow, that's, uh, amazing," Shawn stated.

"Well, I'm going to be late," Heather added as she walked away.

"Shawn, you okay, buddy," Cory asked concerned.

"Yeah, I mean, no. The reality that I was the one holding her back is true. I mean, did you guys look at her, she's doesn't look like someone who's going through a breakup."

"Shawny, everyone handles breakups differently," Cory comforted.

"She's hurting too Shawn, trust me. I believe in you guys, like you believed in Cory and I." Topanga added.

"You okay third-wheeling with Topanga and I," Cory asked with a raised brow.

Shawn scoffed, and swung his backpack around his shoulder.

"Please, I've been doing it all my life," he let out, as he followed the happily couple hand in hand.


a/n: there's no excuse as to why i took a month to update. but here it is. i finally written the end of the book, and i'm so excited to write the chapters leading up to it.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now