28: not-so-happy holidays (part 2)

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   The gang had decided to celebrate secret santa on Christmas Eve, and Shawn was still struggling to find the perfect gift for Heather

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   The gang had decided to celebrate secret santa on Christmas Eve, and Shawn was still struggling to find the perfect gift for Heather. He found it quite upsetting that he and Heather didn't make it for the holidays, knowing buying a gift for a girlfriend is less stressful than shopping for an ex. An ex that he wanted to be back with, but was scared to admit.

He was accompanied by Cory and Topanga, who were already done with their gift shopping, and ran over the itinerary for their first engaged Christmas together.

"We should do ice-skating after Christmas caroling, so we aren't walking door to door with our bruises," Topanga suggested.

  "Bruises? Topanga, I am an amazing skater. I almost went into the olympics," Cory argued with a blatant lie.

  "Cor, you've got two left feet," Shawn stated.

  "Fine. Skating before caroling," Cory agreed.

  Heather entered the student centre quietly, and joined her friends with unlike her usual self. The entire week she was happy, and cheerful for her Christmas plans with her father. Although it would be the first Christmas with her parents being divorced, she was ultimately excited to be around her father for the holidays.

"Hey, done shopping for your trip," Topanga asked.

"Actually, I just finished returning everything I bought," Heather replied.

"Why," Cory asked.

"Something more important came up for my dad. He's got a film festival to attend in Europe," Heather answered. "But enough about me and my first world problems."

Cory and Topanga continued to talk about their plans for the holidays, as Shawn stared at Heather. He knew she was more hurt than what she was letting on, as he noticed her trying to be excited for Cory and Topanga. But he could tell all she wanted was to spend the holidays with her dad.


The holidays weren't going well so far for nearly everyone. Jack was supposed to be in the Bahamas with his family, but due to airline issues, he's stuck in the city. Heather should be across the country, enjoying a non-white Christmas with her father.

"Yeah, I, uh understand," Heather spoke through the phone. "Fly safe," She concluded. She hung up and turned around to Topanga who was already packed for winter break, and waited in the student union.

"Was that your mom on the phone," Topanga asked. Heather nodded and ducked her head.

"Yeah, she had a last minute wedding that she's planning in Turks and Caicos. I've never spent Christmas alone, what am I gonna do," Heather wept.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now