01: look who's back

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      It was the first day of senior year at John Adams High, and today was the beginning of the end for life long friends Cory Matthews and Shawn Hunter. The remaining year of their journey of high school, and the infamous duo were more than ecstatic to enter the senior hall.

  "This is it, Shawny. This is the day we not only become men, but we become seniors." Cory spoke into Shawn's ears as he massaged his shoulders. As the two, pushed the doors that separated their junior hall to their senior hall with high graces, they were quickly disappointed at the sight of a typical student hall.

"I gotta say, this did not live up to our fantasy," Shawn added, as he glanced around the mundane hall. "True, but hey! We got a couch!" Cory responded, pointing to the teal couch which wasn't too far from their new lockers.

Topanga snuck up behind Cory wrapping her arms around his torso, and kissed his neck with a wide smile. "Well, hello to you too," Cory snickered. She greeted them both cheerfully, and for an unknown reason she couldn't stop rambling.

  "Senior year, I mean what's the big deal? It's going to be so ordinary like any other year. It's not like anything could happen on the first day." Cory and Shawn looked at each other, exchanging a raised eyebrow, followed by a direct stern look at Topanga in sync.

"Tell us," Shawn said. "Yes, do spill woman." Cory mysteriously added. "If I tell you, will you guys stop looking at me like that," Topanga questioned. The two boys looked at each other once again, exchanged a look, shrugged, and resumed with their normal facial expression.

"You guys would figure it out in first period, so whatever. Heather Sinclair is back." Topanga sighed in relief and leaned against the lockers, as Cory glanced over at Shawn, trying to read him. Shawn was flooded with resurfaced emotions and memories, leaving him in utter shock.

Before Cory could check on Shawn, a tall, slim, black haired girl in a polish attire, walked towards her locker, and organized her belongings. As she closed her locker shut, she turned around and was faced with Shawn Hunter looking back at her across the hall. The girl looked in complete shock, but was pleasantly happy to see the face of someone who was special to her.

In fight or flight mode, Shawn stormed away and it was only Cory and Topanga left standing.

"Hello, Heather." Cory greeted uncomfortably, with an awkward wave.

"What the hell is Heather Sinclair is doing back here in Philly?" Cory wondered. Cory, Topanga, and Shawn were gathered at Chubbie's and couldn't respond to Cory's question. "I can't think of a reason," Topanga responded dumbfounded.

"Her family moved to LA in the seventh grade, and her father became a successful Hollywood director! I mean, he directed Sleepless in Seattle for crying out loud!"

Topanga looked over at Cory who seemed a bit too passionate about a rom-com. "A boy can love his rom-coms!" Cory replied defensively, all the meanwhile Shawn sat their melancholy with his untouched food.

"Well, I, for one, do not care." A huge breath escaped Shawn's lips before his statement. He dove into his meal and returned to his normal nonchalant self. "So what she's back? Now she's just a thousand times more richer than she was, and probably is all stuck up like people in LA."

Cory and Topanga shared a worrisome look to each other, knowing the history between Shawn and Heather. It was obvious to the both of them that Shawn does feel something, regarding him storming away earlier that day.

"Like, she would much rather eat at the fanciest restaurant in town than this place," Shawn joked to himself, but seconds later, the sound of footsteps caught the attention of the group, as Heather Sinclair entered Chubbies.

"Hi," Heather spoke softly as she stood in front of the gang's booth. The three of them were all staring at Heather, noticing her expensive clothes, perfectly shiny hair, but overall were just hit with a wave of nostalgia.

"Shawn, can I talk to you alone?"

tell me what you think about the first chapter! :)

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now