19: blast from the past

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leonardo dicaprio as declan van der berg

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leonardo dicaprio as declan van der berg


"Long time, no see Sinclair," Declan teased with a mischievous smile on his face. Heather automatically grew uncomfortable facing her ex-boyfriend.

She and Declan had ended on bad terms once she discovered the truth. Heather thought she was finally over Declan, but as she stood in front of him, all of her anger and suppressed feelings resurfaced.

Instead of replying, Heather ran out of the student centre, leaving Shawn and Declan alone. Cory and Topanga had stopped making out once they noticed Heather stormed out at the sight of Declan.

"Wow, I thought she would be happier to see me," Declan commented, letting out a scoff. "Well, it was nice to meet you guys, but if you don't mind me, I'll be heading out," Declan stated, as he exited the student centre waving back, with a charming smile.

"That's the Declan van der Berg," Cory inquired as he approached Shawn. "He's like... the guy version of Topanga," Cory commented, in a dreamy, enchanted tone.

"Cory, that's like the best compliment ever," Topanga cried out in honour.

It was an understatement to say that Declan van der Berg was attractive and handsome. Combining his affluent background being apart of the van der Berg dynasty, with his effortless charm, and suaveness; he could sweep any guy or girl off their feet.

As much as Shawn didn't want to admit it, Declan was charming and after witnessing Heather storm out once she met him, he worried that maybe there was underlying feelings between them.

"Excuse me," Shawn lowly stated, brushing past Cory and Topanga to find Heather.


Shawn hesitantly opened Heather's dorm while lowly knocking on it to find her cleaning. Cleaning was one of Heather's coping mechanisms to distract her mind from what was really bothering her.

"Hey," Shawn said casually, before gunning to the obvious hot topic at the moment. "Hi," Heather bluntly replied without eye contact, as she was fixated on making her bed.

"Freshman orientation, a place to meet new people, huh. I met new people, you didn't, wanna talk about it," Shawn joked, letting out a forceful laugh to ease the tension, while he took a seat on the edge of her bed. However, Heather continued to clean as she even picked up Shawn, ironed out the creases of the bedsheets and propped him back down.

"Don't wanna talk about it," Heather said in a forced cheerful voice. Shawn sighed heavily, letting go of his facade and let his guard down. He hated feeling insecure with Heather, but he couldn't help we was sensitive and feared being hurt, especially by the ones he loved dearly.

   "I just saw the way he made you feel, and- nevermind," Shawn shook his head. He got up from the bed and begun to walk out of Heather's dorm.

     Heather's eyes darted at Shawn while she snapped out of cleaning her dorm, and grabbed Shawn's arms to swing him around. She lead him back to her bed, sitting down together as she took a deep breath.

   "I love you, and no one could come between us," Heather reassured Shawn as she clutched onto his sweaty palms. She couldn't tell that Shawn was aware of Declan's power over her, but she needed to reassure Shawn that there was nothing to worry about.

   "He broke my heart into a million pieces, Shawn," Heather said with her head down. Shawn furrowed his brows in confusion, not informed of Heather's and Declan's break up.

  Heather gulped, swallowing her sorrow to prevent herself from crying.

     "He was Declan van der Berg, the most popular guy, and I was just the new girl. He was a gentleman, asked me out and we've ended up dating for over a year," Heather took a pause while he collected herself, while Shawn rubbed her back to ease the pain of recovering old memories.

"Then I overheard a conversation he had with one of his lacrosse teammate that, uh, he was only dating me to win a bet," Heather revealed, still being shaken up from being used as a laughing stock from the lacrosse team. The bet was to see if Declan could get Heather to fall in love with him, and he won. And Heather fell in love with him. Really hard.

  Shawn comforted Heather by rubbing her thigh. He couldn't phantom how someone could play with someone else's emotions like that. He fully understood why Heather reacted the way she did was she saw Declan; and his fear of losing her to him diminished.

"I'm sorry," Shawn said.

Heather cleared her throat and shook off her sombreness as she sat up straight. "Don't be," she replied.

"It'll be a cold day in hell if he and I ever got back together," Heather stated.

a/n: i didn't add too much of declan in this chapter but trust me there will be more of him in upcoming chapters!!

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now