34: the L bomb

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"Okay Cory, more than ever, I'm gonna need you as my best friend," Shawn stated, staring deeply into Cory's puppy dog eyes.

"This is the most important decision I'm ever gonna make in my life, and you have to help me to make the right choice," Shawn spoke sternly. He placed his hands on Cory shoulders with a tight grip, and raised his eyebrow.

Cory sat down and glared at Shawn relaxed. Instead of questioning what the subject was, Cory nodded his head and waited for Shawn to ask the question.

"Should I wear this shirt or this shirt," Shawn desperately asked, breaking his intense armour, and held up a blue flannel in one hand, and an identical blue flannel in the other.

"What's the difference," Cory asked slightly upset. He couldn't believe Shawn called an emergency meeting for fashion advice.

"What's the difference?!" Shawn repeated in anguish. "This one is from high school, and I wore it on my first date with Heather. And this one is brand new, to show that I'm more fresh but I'm still me," Shawn explained passionately. "Isn't obvious?" He asked once he noticed Cory's lack of understanding.

"Well go with that one then," Cory answered, pointing at the brand new one.

"Shawn, I doubt Heather would care about how you dress," He added, trying to calm down Shawn's nerves.

"She's a fashion designer," Shawn replied firmly.

Cory nearly forgotten that Heather's passion is fashion, as he finally realized why Shawn would be nervous of how he would look in front Heather.

"What I was trying to get at, is that she will be into you no matter how you look," Cory reiterated.

  Shawn spotted Heather and Topanga walking towards them. He anxiously put the flannels into their respective bags, pushed his hair back, and tried to get rid of the jitters.

  "Hey boys," Topanga greeted Cory and Shawn.

  The pair waved at the girls who'd arrive from their study session at the library. They joined Cory and Shawn at the student union and slumped in their seats. Heather had been behind on half of her classes since she spent most of her time on her clothing designs, and Topanga offered to help Heather catch up.

  "Thanks again for helping me with Lit," Heather thanked Topanga and offered to buy her a latté.

"With no sugar please," Topanga added, as she accepted Heather's offer.

Heather got up tirelessly and walked away to the local café.

"I'm thirsty too," Shawn blurted out, and jogged away from Cory and Topanga. Shawn figured this was the best time to talk to Heather, as he eventually caught up with her. They haven't spoken much since Rachel and Jack's party which slightly worried him. The last thing Shawn wanted to believe was that the incident from the party was the sole reason Heather became distant.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now