04: two-weeker

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       All throughout the weeks, things have been going well with Shawn and Heather. They caught up all of eighth to eleventh grade, fourth wheeled with Cory and Topanga many, many, many times; and overall learned how to continue their friendship despite a five-year gap.

"So, Heather, I have to ask. Who was the biggest celebrity you went out with?" Topanga sneered, letting out her girly side. Although Topanga was known for her academic excellence, and non-materialistic self, she had a soft spot for superstars and fashion.

"Topanga, you shouldn't really ask personal questions," Cory remarked, giving Topanga a stern look. "But who! Who was it?" Cory urgently asked, leaning into Heather's personal space."

"Alright, I'll tell you," Heather responded. She took her sweet time, letting Cory and Topanga suffer even longer. Shawn glanced over at Heather, and let out a chuckle, admiring her mind games.

"It was... JTT," Heather quickly took a sip of her soda, and watched Cory and Topanga freak out. Cory let out a huge squeal, but retracted it, covering his mouth and put on a nonchalant facade. "We didn't really talk much on our date," Heather added.

Shawn let out a huge squeal as well, with the rest of them floored. "No, not like that. He was very tired and fell asleep when we got our food." Shawn sighed with relief, the idea of Heather and any guy making out made him feel uncomfortable. Especially if it were Johnathan Taylor Thomas.

   "Ever been a relationship?" Topanga inquired. It felt good to know that there was another girl in the friend group for Topanga. Back in elementary school, she and Heather barely spoke a word to each other, so it was nice to have another feminine energy around her.

  "Just one guy, he was kind of a sleaze," Heather answered. "What guy? You never mentioned a guy," Shawn wondered. Shawn's urgency got the group concerned, but Shawn played it off as a joke and let out a laugh.

  "His name's Declan. Declan van der Berg." Heather's face was covered in disgust as she shook off the thought of her ex. "Between him, and my parents divorce, I want nothing to do with men. They disgust me. No offence."

"None taken," Cory replied.
"Anyways, I got to finish my history paper, I'll see you guys later," Heather mentioned, as she got up from her seat and waved goodbye.

  "Let me walk you out," Shawn offered. He escorted her to the staircase, and cleared his throat. "You never mentioned a Declan," Shawn brought up again. He knew deep down that his old feelings were history, but he would be lying to himself if the idea of Heather being with another guy didn't upset him.

  Heather was taken aback by Shawn bringing back the topic of Declan, and she couldn't help but believe that maybe Shawn liked her more than a friend. But the idea of being another girl in Shawn's black book grossed her out. She wanted to be more than a name. Most of all, she wanted to stray away from men like her father, Declan, and... Shawn. Men who treated women like they were disposable.

   "Well, you never told me about Angela," Heather teased.
"She was just a two-weeker," Shawn explained.

  Cory and Topanga were witnessing the private conversation escalate, and between the two of them they knew that Shawn and Heather were meant to be with each other. They wanted Shawn to have what they have, but from how Shawn's and Heather's conversation was going, it would decrease his chances.

   Cory and Topanga sneakily chimed up, interrupting the conversation. "Wow, don't you guys love this song? I mean it just gets me moving!" Cory started swaying to the nonexistent beat, as Topanga looked at her goofy boyfriend.

   "What's a two-weeker?" Heather asked.
    "It's when you date a girl for two weeks, and then you dump her," Shawn answered honestly.
"But what if by the end of the two weeks, you grow to really like her." Heather was intrigued, yet scared to know Shawn's final answer.

   Cory and Topanga shared a worrisome look. That the chances of Shawn and Heather getting together were slim to none.

  "I'll still dump her," Shawn said.

   Heather cleared her throat, and shook off the pain from his answer. "I should really finish my paper," Heather bowed her head, while going up the stairs.

  Topanga flicked Shawn in head, causing him to groan in pain. "Ah! What was that for?" Shawn asked. Cory rubbed Shawn's head, comforting him and helped to ease the pain. Then he flicked Shawn's head.

  "You moron!" Cory shouted.
  "What are you talking about?" Shawn asked.
  "Heather practically asked you if you would still date her after two weeks, and you said no!" Topanga answered angrily. The stupidity and oblivion gave her a migraine, after witnessing Shawn blew it with Heather.

  "She said earlier she wanted nothing to do with men! I, me, is a men." Shawn defended himself, as he sat back in the booth. Cory and Topanga sat down, and explained Shawn the language of women.

  "Yes. Men like her father. Men like Declan. Not men like you," Topanga said. "Shawny, I just want you to have what me and Topanga have, and Heather is the girl for you." Cory added.

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