02: the return

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"Shawn, can I talk to you alone?"

Heather asked in a soft tone. Seeing one of her close childhood friend, before the drastic change in her life, was unsettling, yet comforting. His blue eyes were still captivating as she once remembered, but the unwelcoming look on his face left her heart pumping rapidly.

Shawn cleared his throat and got up slowly before nodding. The pair sat at an empty booth in silence, as Cory and Topanga were spying on them. "Hi, how have you been?" Heather asked, breaking the silence between the two of them. The tension filled the air, and thickened the more time passed.

"Good." Heather was taken aback by Shawn's coldness, but it has been nearly five years since she last had contact with him. "Good. I, uh, I tried looking for you in school but I haven't gotten my way around it yet-" Before Heather could complete her sentence, Shawn cut her off with, "Okay, what are we doing here?"

Heather was confused, and her heart began to beat fast again. "I just wanted to hang out, like-"

"Hang out? I doubt you and I have anything common anymore. You can't just waltz back into people's lives five years later, and pick up from where you left of." Shawn vented. Heather's eyes began to form a cloud cast, and as Shawn stared at her almond brown eyes, he still remembered the feeling of once gazing into them, and the comfort it brought.

Heather cleared her throat and stood up from her seat. "You're right. Goodbye," she turned away from him, and looked over at Cory and Topanga who indiscreetly went back into normal position after eavesdropping on Heather's and Shawn's conversation.

"It was nice seeing you guys, bye." She smiled at them before exiting up the stairs and Shawn returned to the booth.

The following week, Shawn continued to ignore Heather despite sharing two classes together. Shawn met up with Cory who was waiting by Shawn's locker, but his focus was fixed across the hall. A swarm of teenage girls at Heather's locker, bombarding her with questions of the teen heartthrobs.

"She's been here for only a week, and received more attention than I have in my entire life!" Cory exclaimed in envy, as he crossed his arms. "Don't worry about it, Cor. All of those girls are just shallow." Shawn comforted Cory, but as the bell rang, the crowd around Heather disbursed, and Topanga made her way towards Cory and Shawn from the crowd.

"Really Topanga?" Cory asked. "What? I was just asking her about her shoe size." Topanga responded unapologetically. They made their way towards Feeny's film classroom, and Heather sat beside Topanga, as Cory sat with Shawn.

Mr. Feeny played Cory's documentary about Shawn and his half-brother Jack, and their journey on being roommates and developing a brotherly bond. Heather was immediately moved by Cory's film, realizing the parallels between her relationship with Shawn, and Shawn's relationship with Jack.

It all made sense to her, as to why Shawn was so cold and defensive towards Heather. She left just like Jack did, lived with their rich director father, and came back to John Adams High thinking she could return as the typical, quiet Heather.

"That was an excellent film, Cory." Mr. Feeny mentioned, leaving Cory in shock. "It was what?" Mr. Feeny sighed before continuing his comment. "It was excellent, and you could use it to go to a great film school like NYU." A bright smile appeared on Cory's face, and class was dismissed.

The class disbursed into the hall and it was Heather and Shawn left in the classroom. Heather slowly walked up to Shawn with her notebook held against her chest and sighed. Before she could let out a squeak, Shawn swung his backpack around his shoulder and entered the halls.

Heather slowly left Feeny's classroom, and was met with Cory and Topanga nearby. "Feeny said my film was excellent! I mean, I need to make another one, I can't be a one-hit wonder!" Cory exclaimed aggressively.

"That was a great film Cory, I loved how throughout the movie, there was a happy ending between Shawn and Jack. I just wish, I got the opportunity to do the same. Well, I'll see you guys," Heather admitted and walked away.

A light bulb appeared above Cory's head as he was flooded with happiness. "Topanga, I just got my next film!"

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now