18: as the seasons change

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       After spending the summer in California together, Shawn and Heather were glowing. They've learnt so much more about each other after living under the same roof. Heather showed Shawn all of her favourite spots in LA, introduced him to established writers and photographers.

All of those years Shawn spent wondering how Heather was doing when she moved from Philly, came to an end. He hadn't fully digested just how different Heather had become, living such a glamorous, privileged lifestyle.

     School was back in session, and the group of friends were embarking on new territory. They weren't in high school anymore, and they felt the pressure to reinvent themselves. While they toured the campus, they've encountered the co-ed bathrooms.

  "You see, in college they don't call girls 'girls', they're called 'co-ed'," Cory said, as he saw a young woman enter the bathroom. A man walked inside shortly after which confused even further. "Oh, she is butch," Cory commented.

   "Co-ed means it's for guys and girls," Heather explained to Cory. "Boys and girls," Cory repeated frantically.

   "Well, I'm going in," Shawn said with graces, as he pushed the door open and marched inside. Topanga and Heather followed Shawn soon after while Cory stood outside in fear. "I just got comfortable going in front guys," Cory cried out.


       The following week was freshmen orientation, just after the newly students had settled into their dorms. Surprisingly, Shawn was the most excited one to meet new people, meanwhile Cory and Topanga were content with the people who were already in their lives. As for Heather, after moving from Philly to California, and back to Philly, she felt as though she'd already met enough new people.

    Cory and Topanga went ahead and begun lip smacking on the campus couch, as Shawn and Heather rolled their eyes at the newly engaged.

   "Wow, those two really got it down to a science, huh," Heather commented as she noticed that Cory and Topanga managed to kiss each other without breathing.

  Shawn and Heather tilted their heads watching the kiss escalate while the engaged couple laid on the couch. Shawn and Heather stared in amusement, as if they were watching a scene from National Geographic.

  "I mean they've had 16 years of practice," Shawn stated. Heather nodded in agreement as they strayed away from their friends and watched other students mingling.

   "Let's make out," Heather flirtatiously suggested, getting on her tippy toes, making her and her boyfriend's face much closer to one another.

   "My lips are still swollen from our vacation," Shawn complained in a jokily manner, but still denied Heather's request. She got back on her balanced two feet, and crossed her arms. "You don't wanna make out," She questioned.

   She felt insulted and somewhat embarrassed that her own boyfriend didn't want to kiss her.

   "Of course I do, it's just - we're not in high school anymore and we can meet new people, and not worry about not fitting in," Shawn explained, reassuring Heather that she wasn't apart of an underlying issue.

   Heather realized how important it was to Shawn, knowing he didn't had the best experience in high school since he always felt like an outsider. She compromised, and nodded, getting a better mood to introduce herself to the other freshmen.

  "Hi, I'm Camryn," a blonde girl with a pixie cut greeted, with her hand out. "Hi, I'm Shawn and this is my girlfriend Heather," Shawn greeted back, as they both shook Camryn's hand. "Nice to meet you guys. I'll see you guys around campus," She stated, as she walked away smiling and was on her way to introduce herself to other freshmen.

   "You see, that wasn't so hard babe," Shawn teased Heather as she shook her shoulders gently. Heather laughed as Shawn noticed another freshmen to introduce themselves too.

    The man was tall, with a lean figure to match. From the back, his dirty blond hair was slicked, styled with much pristine. Shawn tapped the man's shoulder to gain his attention. The man turned around revealing his bright blue eyes, glistening skin, and rosy pink lips.

     "Hi, I'm Shawn, and this is-," before Shawn could introduce Heather, he was cut off by the freshman.

   His smirk transformed into flat line, in shock. His piercing blue eyes widened at the sight of Heather as his sharp jaw slowly relaxed.

  "Heather...," the guy said lowly.

       He smoothly adjusted himself while Shawn glanced down at Heather too see whether she had met this man before. Heather's almond brown eyes were as wide as the guy's, with her heart beating rapidly, and muscles becoming more tense.

    "Do you guys know each other," Shawn inquired concernedly.

    The guy adjusted his posture, shaking off the shockwaves, and collected his presence. He cleared his throat and put his hand out, ready to shake.

   "I'm Declan. Declan van der Berg."

a/n: dun.. dun. dunnnnnnn
declan is back which means trouble. or good, perhaps?

next chapter will reveal about their breakup. any ideas of what happened? hmm.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now