21: battlefield

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Shawn had been a little on edge ever since Declan told him he was pursuing Heather. Both Heather and Declan had history together where they shared their most formative years. The only thing that was keeping Shawn strong was the fact that he knew he and Heather were madly in love with each other. There was nothing Declan could do that would change that.

In Mr. Feeny's class, the class was waiting for him to arrive and in the meantime, everyone was socializing.

"Hey Declan, nice sweater," Cory commented as he gave Declan a cheesy smile.

Declan noticed that he and Cory were wearing nearly identical cable knit sweaters.

   "Thanks, it's one of a kind," Declan replied as he glanced down at his forest green sweater that seemed average.

  "Doesn't look like it is," Shawn muttered under his breath. There was nothing more he despised than pretentious rich people.

  Heather walked into class and noticed the entire gang conversing. Never in a million years Heather would've thought her two worlds colliding.

"Like my sweater," Declan asked Heather with a smirk.

Instantly Heather was stunned at the sight of Declan in the sweater she hadn't seen him wore in years.

"You still have it," Heather asked in a shocked tone.

   Shawn grew interested in the conversation as he kept on reading Heather's facial expression. He noticed her trying to act unaffected by the sweater but he knew it meant something deeper.

Heather revealed that she handmade the sweater as a Christmas gift for Declan when they were dating. At the time, Declan's reaction lacked lustre, and was disappointing to Heather considering it took spending every weekend constructing it for two months. But seeing Declan wearing it years later, must've meant that he did appreciate it.

"Oh, and while I was putting it on, I remembered this," Declan stated as he rolled up about an inch of his sleeve and revealed a gold heart pin.

"A pin," Topanga stated as she and everyone else glued their eyes to the shiny pin.

"I sewed it there so you'd always have my heart on your sleeve," Heather explained the meaning behind it.  She noticed how Cory and Topanga found the gift very sentimental as they quickly changed their expression after noticing Shawn's somber aura.

Mr. Feeny had finally entered class, breaking the tension between Shawn, Heather and Declan. Heather cleared her throat and sat down in her seat as she laid her notebook on the desk.


      The following afternoon, Heather spotted Shawn outside the student centre enjoying the fresh air. She crept behind him as she placed her hands over his eyes.

     "Guess who," She asked in a cheerful tone. Instead of taking off her and giving her a peck on the lips, Shawn shrugged Heather's hands off as he continued to write in his journal.

   Taking note of his odd, cold behaviour, Heather sat next to him. Ever since Mr. Feeny's class, Shawn had been distant and less affectionate. The two sat in silence while he kept his writing in his journal.

   "So for tonight, I'm thinking you and me, and a Van Damme movie. You in," Heather inquired, breaking the tension into a lighter mood.

    "I'm busy with homework," Shawn bluntly stated without making any eye contact whatsoever. Heather grabbed his pen from his grip, grabbing his attention.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now