09: boyfriend + girlfriend

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By Heather Sinclair's locker, Shawn was waiting patiently. Once he saw the sight of his girlfriend, his face lit up and pulled her in by grabbing her waist. Heather was also filled with joy, and noticed that Shawn was wearing the Steven Tyler scarf she had gifted him, styled with his famous leather jacket.

"Nice scarf," Heather complimented, gazing up at her significantly taller boyfriend. "My girlfriend got for me," Shawn replied, as he licked his lips.

Heather tugged onto the ends of Shawn's scarf, to lean him into a kiss. Gradually the kiss turned into a make out session. From afar, Cory was admiring the sight of his best friend finally being in love.

    "Look at them, they look like us 20 year ago," Cory said. Topanga gave a glare at her insane boyfriend, "Cory, we're only 17." Topanga nudged Cory as she approached Heather and Shawn.

     Shawn's and Heather's make out sesh was interrupted once Heather's precious sketchpad had fell out of her grip. She pushed Shawn off of her and picked it up, dusting off the bacteria that could've been on it for the 0.4 seconds that the book had been on the ground.

    "Babe, I know Feeny's tough when it comes to grading, but I doubt he'd deduct marks for stains," Shawn commented. "I hope not..." Shawn added, as he thought that maybe, just maybe his slightly average grades had to do with the fact his papers weren't in the best condition.

    "My last paper was 79, and not an 80... was it because of the ketchup stain?" Cory thought out loud. Heather put an end to the crazy idea of Feeny's grading technique, and explained herself.

    "It's not a paper for Feeny bimbos, it's my sketchpad with my designs," Heather held her design book to her chest, as a smile appeared on Shawn's face. "You're still designing? That's amazing Heather," Shawn complimented.

    Memories of their younger years emerged, there were countless times where Heather would make her own clothes from loose fabric. Even though she might've looked crazy and encountered some bullying from Meanie Megan, Shawn was impressed by her confidence. His favourite memory would always be when his only pair of pants were ripped, Heather didn't badger him about not having any new clothes. Instead, she picked out a thread and needle, and stitched it with ease.

    "I can't believe you remember," Heather responded. A wave of happiness flooded her, once Shawn brought up a distant memory. "And if I'm not mistaken, you're probably designing your prom dress," Shawn added.

    Heather's mouth was wide open, she was completely in shock, but overall impressed. Shawn knew her better than she thought. All of the days and nights, doubting to be in a relationship with him where wasted. She knew she made the right choice.

    "Which is why I can't let it out my sight," Heather and Shawn shared a kiss. "And I can't have neither of you looking at it... especially you," Heather stated, as she darted her eyes at Topanga.

    "Me? Why me? Why not them? Me?" Topanga quickly grew concerned, and slightly offended. "It's not just my dress in here," Heather replied with a wink.

    Topanga's face transformed into pure happiness, as she hugged Heather tightly.

    After school Shawn and Heather decided to spend some quality boyfriend-girlfriend time at Heather's house. Making their way pass the foyer, it was a pleasant sight to the see the home fully furnished and decorated.

    Meredith walked out of the kitchen wearing a pantsuit, and sunglasses as she went to grab her coat nearby. Heather being shocked at the sight of her put-together mother, decided to spark a conversation.

    "Where you headed, mom," Heather asked.
"Do you know how many times your father and I renewed our vows," Meredith stated.

    "Eight," Heather replied bluntly, she knew all too well about the ridiculous times her parents would go on many anniversary dates. Shawn let out a faint laugh, as he remembered attending vow renewal number six.

    "You see, the reason why we had so many is because I love weddings! It was my dream to be a wedding planner, but I settled so that I could be there for your father, so that he could pursue his. Now it's mine turn," Meredith added. "Always chase your dreams you guys."

    Meredith touched up her makeup, adjusted the Birkin on her shoulder, and left.

   Taking advantage of having an entire mansion to themselves, Shawn and Heather rushed to the hot tub. The two began relaxing in their undergarments with some carbonated water.

    "I'm on letter number 3 by the way," Shawn commented. "Is that where I approach Vivian Keller with spinach stuck in my braces," Heather laughed in embarrassment. Shawn began to laugh in agreement, as he struggled to speak.

     "I haven't eaten a salad since," Heather confessed, still laughing hysterically.

    Shawn gazed into Heather's eyes in full admiration. Is this what's it's like to be happy? Shawn thought to himself. He finally cooled down from laughing, and cleared his throat.

    "I'm gonna write you letters," He stated. "You don't have to because I did," Heather reassured Shawn. She didn't want to seem she expected him the same in return.

  "I want to," Shawn said, keeping direct eye contact with Heather. "I went through a lot when you were gone, I want you to know all of it."

    Heather didn't argue with Shawn. Instead she accepted the effort he was willing to offer. For the first time, Heather felt like she and Shawn had became super close and shared a deeper connection.

   "I'd begin writing about how each day apart feels like being alone in the dark," Shawn stated performative, as Heather gasped, knowing that Shawn had recited one of her lines from the letters.

    In response, Heather began splashing water at Shawn, as he splashed back. "Ah! My eye, my eye, my eye," Heather squealed in pain. She covered her eyes, and bowed her head down. Shawn grew worried, and came closer to Heather, as he crunched lower to look up at Heather's face.

   "You okay," Shawn asked.

      After a second of silence, Heather grabbed Shawn's shoulders and submerged him underwater. Heather laughed hysterically while Shawn struggled, but eventually he resurfaced. He stood there and wiped his eyes, as he stared deadly into Heather's eyes.

   Scared of what might happen next, Heather closed her eyes shut, preparing herself to be underwater. Rather than feeling water enter her nose and ears, Heather felt soft plumped lips against hers.

    She opened her eyes slowly and was met with  the gorgeous sight of her boyfriend. Shawn walked closer to Heather, backing her up against the hot tub, and towered over her, leaning for a kiss. He lifted up her legs, wrapping them around his hips to balance out the height difference. Heather wrapped her arms around the nape of Shawn's neck, and the pair kissed while the sun set.

this was more of a filler! i hope you guys enjoyed the holidays and make it through the semester :)

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now