06: friendzoned

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"She friendzoned me, Cor. She friendzoned me bad," Shawn weeped. He sat on the floor with his legs sprawled out. Cory lowered to Shawn's level, resting his hands on his bent knees, and began to comfort him.

"This doesn't mean it's over. You can't just give up," Cory spoke, giving Shawn words of encouragement.

However, Shawn wasn't as sure as Cory. He stayed up all night thinking about Heather, and how badly he wanted to be in a committed relationship with her. It was such an exhilarating epiphany for Shawn to have, and to his luck it's the one girl in Philadelphia who didn't want to date him.

"Maybe it's a sign that we shouldn't be together," Shawn said. Cory sat down beside Shawn, spread his legs out at well, and looked over at his heartbroken best friend.

"I believe that you and Heather are meant to be together. I believe it's a sign that she moved back to be here. She just needs to see that you're not like the other guys," Cory stated.

Shawn thought long and hard about Cory's comment. Cory was right. Heather had only been exposed to jerks, and to Shawn's recollection of his 'just a two-weeker' comment, he needed to make an effort to show Heather that he would never disrespect her.

"Where would I even begin?" Shawn asked. Cory got up from the ground and helped Shawn before revealing his master plan. With a wide grin on Cory's face, Shawn already knew Cory had a trick up his sleeve. Normally he wouldn't entertain Cory's ridiculous ideas, but Shawn would try anything to win Heather.

"Topanga and I are going to have a romantic dinner at Barelli's for our anniversary, and you and Heather are going to join us," Cory explained excitedly. "How is this going to end with me and Heather together?" Shawn inquired.

"Because she's going to see a healthy, loving relationship. That there's nothing to be afraid of, and you are the right guy for her." To Shawn's surprise, Cory's plan wasn't bad at all, it was actually decent to his standards. Shawn nodded in agreement, and he and Cory left to discuss the details for Friday night.

Later that day, Topanga was up to speed with Cory's and Shawn's plan, and she approved of it wholeheartedly. She didn't mind that she was sharing her anniversary night with her friends, especially if it could end up with Shawn and Heather double dating with her and Cory in the future.

Topanga knocked on Heather's bedroom door to meet up and spend some girl time that they had planned a couple days prior. "I come bearing gifts," Topanga said, with a pint of ice-cream, face masks, and magazines.

"You made it!" Heather screeched from her bedside. She got up from her bed and gave Topanga a hug, and placed her gifts on a desk nearby.

Topanga was in awe of Heather's bedroom. It was the only room that seemed to be completely furnished, but ultimately Topanga wanted to see Heather's closet.

"You don't got to say anything, I know what you've been dying to see. Follow me," Heather teased, leading Topanga away to her walk-in closet with it's own wall of shoes ranging from boots to heels.

"Size 6, right?" Heather asked. Topanga squealed with joy, and nodded in response. "For your anniversary with Cory tomorrow night, you should definitely wear these, with... this!" Heather grabbed a silk pink slip dress from the hanger.

Topanga's jaw dropped at the gorgeous sight of the silky, stunning, satin pale pink dress. It was the perfect length and perfect shade, and Topanga instantly fell in love with it.

"Where did you get this? I've always wanted something like this but I could never find it," Topanga commented in awe. "I made it," Heather confessed. "But I never showed anyone one of my designs, let alone wear them. Please do me the honours of wearing them for your anniversary night!"

"Oh, and you have to wear it with these!" Heather added, while holding up a pair of a nude Chanel pump.

Topanga was overjoyed with Heather's kindness. "Heather, I- I can't," Topanga responded. "Fine, I guess I'll just let them collect dust and watch them beg for someone to wear them," Heather teased. She dangled the Chanel pumps to Topanga's face and watched her blue eyes move side to side, like she was being hypnotized.

"Topanga... Topanga," Heather whispered in a sing-song tune. "They're calling your name." Topanga snatched the Chanel's from Heather and held them tightly against her chest. "Fine. I'll keep them warm." Topanga caved in, holding the heels like a baby, begun to sway while looking at them with puppy eyes.

The two went back to Heather's bedroom and began to eat their ice-scream with their applied face masks. "I want to invite you to Cory and mine's anniversary dinner," Topanga stated.

   "We're finally going to be a throuple?!" Heather joked, with an enthusiastic look.
"Shawn will be there." Topanga answered, after laughing hysterically.

   Heather bit her lip as she began to think how awkward to fourth wheel with Shawn on Cory's and Topanga's romantic dinner. However, Heather had to remind herself that there would be nothing to worry about. Her and Shawn are friends. Just friends.

   "Of course, I'll come," Heather responded, she reassured Topanga that'll if she's ever needed as a friend, she'll show up.

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