29: new year, new me

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*a/n: i would suggest to watch the video after reading :)

*a/n: i would suggest to watch the video after reading :)

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  After winter break, Heather returned to Philly, after her incredible trip with her father in Aspen. She really appreciated the time she spent with him, in one of the most beautiful places in the world, where they skied all day. So much so, that she barely found herself thinking about Shawn. This new year, Heather declared to herself that she would be focusing on one thing, herself.

  That included spending her free time sketching designs, altering dresses at her clothing studio, and less time worrying about boys. One night she spent in Aspen, alone in her hotel suite and with her thoughts, she found a blessing of letting go of Shawn. That this year, she could be completely selfish, and put herself first.

  Once Heather unpacked her belongings in her dorm, while her friends waited for in the student union. Although Heather was running a bit late, she was surprised to hear a knock on the door.

  "Shawn," She spoke, as she opened the door. Least to say, she was not expecting his presence anytime soon.

"I know this is random, but I just wanted to talk to you alone before we meet up with all of our friends," He stated.

Heather widen the door, allowing Shawn to enter. For the first time in what felt like forever, Heather didn't feel nervous around Shawn. She felt calm, and with that feeling, she knew she had nothing to worry about.

"What do you wanna talk about?" She inquired.

"I just wanna make sure that there's no bad blood between us," Shawn brought up.

"Yeah, no, there's no animosity on my part if you're wondering," Heather replied with a chuckle. "You know I've had the entire break to reflect about what happened between us. Now, it's a brand new year, new school semester, I would like for us to start off with a clean slate," Heather added with a friendly smile.

Shawn was happy to hear those words from Heather's mouth. In fact, it was exactly what he wanted to hear. He wanted to move on as well, and with Heather not holding any hostility, he was content of how cordial they could be.

"A clean slate. That's sounds great," Shawn said. "So, I'll see you around," He added, before exiting Heather's dorm.

Heather finally caught up with Cory and Topanga, and told them about her trip with her father.

"It's beautiful. If you guys are planning a winter wonderland wedding, it has to be in Aspen," Heather suggested, as she showed them disposable photos she had taken.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now