14: she nose best

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    "You got the plan?" Heather questioned to Shawn. The two were at Heather's locker, going over operation copanga which was taking place tonight. "Entice Cory about Sussman's party, once he's there, you'll tell Cory there's a wrinkle in his shirt, and he'll rush the bathroom. Then I'll tell Topanga, that you're in need of a feminine product in the bathroom, and she'll rush inside. We'll lock the door from the outside until they've made up and we go back to our regular lives;" Shawn recited seriously.

   Cory entered the senior halls, and Shawn and Heather adjusted themselves too appear unsuspicious. Heather gave Shawn a peck on the lips, then shoved towards Cory so they would bump into each other. Across the hall, Heather spotted Topanga and caught up with her.

   As Heather and Topanga passed by Cory and Shawn, Cory couldn't help but talk to her. "Have a great weekend Topanga," Cory let out, attempting to act casual about their separation. Topanga sighed, and replied, "You too, Cory." She tugged onto Heather's arm to walk away, as Heather looked over her shoulder and glared at him to start phase one of their plan.

   "Did you hear how she said, 'you too, Cory'? There was so much coldness there," Cory expressed. "Nonsense," Shawn stated. "Why isn't she suffering as much as I am," Cory frustratedly asked. He sat down on the hallway couch distressed as Shawn gave it to Cory straight.

   "She is too, but she's handling the breakup with dignity. Unlike you, who cries every... 3, 2...," just like clockwork, Cory bursted into tears. "No one wants to be around Cory the downer, that's why you're not invited to Kimberly Sussman's party tonight." Shawn said, beginning phase one of his and Heather's plan.

   "Wait a minute... Sussman's having a party tonight?" Cory inquired. "Yeah, to celebrate her new nose. Like, the whole world is going," Shawn continued to uplift the hype of the party. "Well, if I'm not invited it's probably due to some tremendous oversight."

   "Does, '7:30 sharp, and whatever you do, don't tell Cory' sound like a tremendous oversight?" Shawn rhetorically asked. Cory bursted into tears again, and Shawn go up from the couch. "Do you not want to be around me either?" Cory wondered. "I'm getting there," Shawn sighed as he walked away.


At Kimberly Sussman's party, Shawn and Heather were gathered by the punch anticipating for their plan to be in motion. However, Topanga told Heather she would be running late, but Heather was certain she would still show up. "Where's Cory, Topanga should come any minute," Heather asked. Shawn shrugged and then took a sip of punch from his cup.

Suddenly, they saw Kimberly open her front door and there stood Cory with a wide smile across his face. Heather and Shawn smiled at each other, and decided to separate to continue their scheme. Once Cory was invited by complimenting Kimberly, he was in the opposite state than expected. He was dancing, telling hilarious jokes, and the complete opposite of Cory the downer.

Moments later Heather spotted Topanga walk inside, and acted quickly to complete the mission. She ran up to Cory, and greeted him as he swayed his hips to the music. This morning Cory was completely heartbroken over Topanga, and yet he's having the time of his life in the same room as her. Heather was confused, but knew she had little to know time to get Cory in the bathroom.

"Nice sweater," Heather compliment. "Thank you, nice pants," Cory replied. "Oh, is that... a wrinkle?" Heather commented, acting as if it was the most embarrassing thing. Knowing Cory was keen on looking presentable and nitpick on any flaw. "Psshhh, it's a wrinkle. I think it adds a little flair to my look don't cha think," Cory responded.

Heather started to panic once she realized her plan wasn't working. She couldn't understand why Cory wasn't acting like himself, and she knew had to get him into the bathroom regardless. Acting on her feet, Heather abruptly threw her drink on Cory's sweater.

"Heather!" Cory let out in shock. "Sorry, spasm," Heather excused as she covered her mouth her hand. Cory made his to the bathroom, and Heather searched for Shawn. She tapped him on the shoulder to inform him that phase two was complete. "Topanga left," Shawn lowly stated, he was upset at himself for ruining the one job he had.

"What? How? She was just here," Heather questioned as she looked around the living room, hoping to spot Topanga. "I guess she couldn't stand seeing Cory dancing with everyone," Shawn replied, trying to make sense of Topanga's sudden departure. The pair didn't know what to do, since a key aspect of their plan was betting on the fact that Cory would be down.

"I don't get it. This morning he was crying every three seconds," Shawn sighed. "I don't want to say it but... I think Cory's drunk," Heather stated. Shawn nearly choked on his drink, letting out a laugh. "Babe, you're kidding me. Cory? Cory, drunk?" Shawn giggled.

"C'mon, I've partied with rich private school kids and when the Cory of the bunch is dancing with everyone... he's on something," Heather explained. "I'm gonna call it a night, and see you at school. Check on Cory in the bathroom, will ya?" Shawn nodded, as he wrapped his arms around Heather's waist, pulling in for a hug.

He leaned in for a goodbye kiss, and went into the bathroom where he found Cory and a pint of whiskey.


      The following Monday at school, Heather noticed Shawn's unusual behaviour before class. She had no idea that Cory had peer pressured Shawn into drinking, that lead to their arrest for urinating on a cop car. As they walked into Mr. Feeny's class, Heather took the chance to speak to Shawn.

   "Hey, you alright," She asked concerned, placing her hand on his shoulder. Shawn shrugged it off as he slouched into his seat. Taking a slight offence to his response, Heather presumed that maybe he was having a horrible day. Once Mr. Feeny began today's lesson, Shawn rudely interrupted obnoxiously for no apparent reason.

   Heather darted her eyes at Shawn while Cory told him to calm down. "For once in my life, I would like to learn something relevant," Shawn shouted at Mr. Feeny. "Shawn, how about we go outside and talk," Heather suggested in a calm tone, however he scoffed at her and rolled his eyes.

   "What's the matter with you?" Topanga intervened, as she turned over her shoulder, staring directly at Shawn. No one could understand Shawn's sporadic outburst. "Nothing. Now why don't you stop being crazy and sit on Cory's lap," Shawn sneered resentfully at Topanga which took the whole class by surprise.

   Mr. Feeny ordered Shawn to leave the classroom, as Cory followed him.


Once school was over, Heather and Topanga rushed over to Shawn's apartment to figure out what made him lash out. They opened the front door and walked in on Shawn and Jack fighting and found out what happened the night of Kimberly's party.

"You were drinking?" Topanga walked towards Cory and looked at him in the eyes. "Yeah. What do you figure that was about? I wonder," Shawn yelled at Topanga in anger, and Cory came quickly to her defence.

Knowing Shawn's family history on alcoholism and noticed his aggressive behaviour, Heather softly placed her hand on Shawn's shoulder to comfort him. "Come with me to my place," Heather warmly said as she slowly rubbed his shoulder. She turned him to face each other, and picked up his hand and held it tight. Shawn glanced down at Heather whose smiling with comforting eyes, and his internal anger began to fade away.

"I've got some leftover butterscotch cookies at home, and a taped episode of Friends," Heather mentioned Shawn's guilty pleasures and smiled back. "Yeah, that sounds nice," he replied. The pair interlocked hands and calmly left the apartment.

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