24: rock bottom (part 2)

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The next morning Heather decided to pay Shawn a visit after the events that transpired last night. After Shawn assaulted Declan, she rushed over to Shawn's dorm to check up on him, but Cory warned Heather that she should let him cool off, and visit the next day.

She softly knocked on his door, while the door creaked while it slowly opened.

"Hi," Heather said, as she made her way inside.

"I'm gonna check and see if my parents are here," Cory stated, as he left the room, letting Heather and Shawn talk on their own.

"Shawn, why did you punch him?" Heather asked as she walked closer to him.

His silence and cold aura slightly scared Heather, and the longer he took to respond, she grew more timid.

"Because that asshole stole my poem. The one that he read dedicated to you, it was mine," Shawn explained defensively.

   Heather instantly became frozen, completely overwhelmed that those beautiful words came from the one she loved most. A sense of relief washed over Heather knowing that it wasn't from Declan.

   In the midst of a tense conversation, Cory, Topanga, and Mr. and Mrs. Matthews rushed in to comfort Shawn while he awaits his punishment for assaulting another student.

   "Shawn, we're here for you," Amy greeted, as she gave Shawn a tight hug.

   "No matter what happens," Alan added.

   Shawn grew uncomfortable of the overwhelming support, not being used to growing up around present parents. He scoffed, and casually put the situation at ease.

   "It's not that serious, okay. It's not like I punched a teacher," Shawn replied.

    Ironically, Mr. Feeny barged in ranting about the Dean and her inability to reason. Everyone was shocked to see Mr. Feeny so furious, as he let out a shout into the dorm halls.

   "Mr. Hunter, I am afraid it is indeed serious," Mr. Feeny stated once he cooled down and stopped pacing back and forth. "The student you punched also happens to be the son of the top sponsors of film studios across American colleges. The Dean is prompting a trial to determine the punishment," Mr. Feeny said.

   "What? I mean a trial?! That's ridiculous," Cory voices while everyone in the room silently agreed.

     Heather couldn't believe the possibility of Shawn getting kicked out of the college, especially since he never saw himself attending. She knew how hard it was for Shawn to finally make it, and have a chance to make a name of himself, and it would absolutely take a toll on him. Heather couldn't fathom the idea that Shawn would get kicked out because of her ex.

   Instead of comforting him, aiding to his needs, Heather stormed out the dorm.


After running around campus searching for Declan, Heather finally spotted his dirty blond hair in the midst of a crowded café. She let out a heavy sigh, as she marched towards him, but abruptly stopped in her tracks once he turned around and saw his black eye.

"Don't worry it doesn't feel as bad as it looks," Declan assured Heather with a smile.

"I'm sorry," was all that could escape Heather's firm lips.

   "Don't be. You didn't punch me," Declan replied.

    "Did you steal his poem?" Heather asked bluntly.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now