30: loved & lost

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After singing her heart out at karoke, Heather finally felt more at ease with her emotions. Later that night, she thanked Eric, because letting her feelings out was exactly what she needed. Heather walked into the student union, after visiting her fashion studio, she saw Shawn, and Jack with a familiar person.

Once the familiar looking man turned around, it registered to Heather's head that the man was indeed Chet Hunter. She hadn't seen him in many years, and with his drinking habits, and often abandoning Shawn, she was worried that he may have forgotten her.

"Hi Chet, long time no see," Heather greeted with a smile.

Chet grunted, and spoke over his shoulders to Jack and Shawn. "Who's this pretty lady, and how does she know me," He asked puzzled.

"That's Heather Sinclair," Jack replies politely, as he gave Heather a smile to excuse Chet's lack of manners.

Chet fluttered his eyes, and wiped them. He couldn't believe his own two eyes.

"My, oh my, you were like two feet tall the last time I saw you," Chet exclaimed, once he came the sudden realization. He greeted Heather with a bear hug, so tight, that he lifted her up from the ground. "Wow, you look like a million bucks," He said, once he let her go.

"You know, if your daddy needs an extra for one of his movies, I'm available." Chet began to sell himself.

"I'll tell him to put you on his speed dial," Heather replied, playing along.

"I'm just happy my boy Shawn, has someone like you. You know, whenever we spoke on the phone, he wouldn't stop talking about you-," Before Chet could finish his sentence, Shawn abruptly interrupted Chet.

"What are you doing here dad," Shawn wondered, trying to change the subject. His cheeks were red, and he could feel Heather's gaze on him. Chet bounced his eyes from Shawn to Heather, not knowing why they're weren't lovey-dovey as Shawn described to him in the past.

"They broke up," Jack whispered into Chet's ear.

Chet cleared his throat to clear the tension in the air, and answered Shawn's question.

"I'm here to see my boys, and I'm staying," He stated proudly, while he flaunted his brand new PennBrooke sweatshirt.

"That's great to hear, I'll see you around Chet," Heather said, as she said goodbye, and left with a smile.

"I think it's romantic you guys are writing your own vows," Heather commented as she sat on her bed, reading a fashion magazine.

"Well those vows aren't mine," Topanga answered, as she grabbed the piece of paper from Cory grip, that he had just recited. "Those are Cory's."

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now