08: when shawn met heather (part 2)

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"people who truly loved once are far more likely to love again"
Sleepless in Seattle (1993)


       Heather ran to her bedroom with tears streaming down her face. She stuffed her face into her pillow and began to quietly sob. Why do I have to be so damaged? Heather thought to herself. She wasn't able to function like a mentally healthy person, and it made it difficult for her to make relationship decisions due to what she had witnessed from her parents and what she had been through personally.

    Meredith followed the sound of her daughter's weeping, and laid down beside her. She placed Heather head on her chest, letting her cry some more, and rubbed her back. "What happened sweetie," Meredith asked.

   "Why can't I let myself be in love," Heather responded in a frustrated tone. She looked up at her mother with watery eyes. Meredith had no clue what her daughter was talking about. But she wanted to be there for her daughter, and wanted the best for her.

    "Heather, baby, you are deserving of love. Love is an amazing, wonderful thing. It gave me you," Meredith said, as she wiped her daughter's tears.

    "Love ruins things. It ruined me after Declan, it ruined you after dad," Heather replied. Meredith was taken aback by Heather mentioning her failed marriage. She didn't realize how her actions had affected Heather. It made her feel like a horrible mother for not having a talk about the divorce.

   "And now it's going to ruin things with me and Shawn," Heather concluded. Meredith eyes widen once Heather mentioned Shawn. Meredith had always adorned Shawn ever since he and Heather became friends.

   "You don't have to worry about Shawn. Honey, he's been in love with you since you guys were like six. He was the one who did Meanie Megan's homework, so she would stop bullying you," Meredith said.

      "Honey, just because your father and I didn't work out, doesn't mean love doesn't exist. Your father and I weren't the perfect couple, no couple is. Shawn isn't your father, he isn't Declan. Shawn is Shawn," Meredith concluded.

   Heather sat up and nodded in agreement. She wiped under her eyes, and kissed her mother on the cheek. "Thank you mom," Heather stated.

    She rushed to her closet, and on the top shelf contained an old shoebox. Heather sighed heavily, grabbed the box and ran out of her house.

"I'm such an idiot! You should've seen it, crash and burn," Shawn exclaimed, as he grabbed a bottle of root beer from his fridge and took a sip. "I should just go back to the way things were," Shawn took out his infamous black book, and Cory quickly grabbed it from him.

Cory sat Shawn down at on his couch and began to comfort to him. "No you aren't. This would never make you happy," Cory explained, as he took a glance of the list of every woman that Shawn had either kissed or dated. "Ah, my aunt!" Cory shouted in disgust.

"Heather was the first girl on my list, and I want her to be my last. But I ruined it, and now we can't go back to being just friends," Shawn said.

Topanga joined the conversation to help Shawn out of his saddened shell. "That's not true, you can't just give up. Cory never gave up on me," Topanga added.

"I gave it a shot, okay. I opened up my heart and I got hurt. Obviously Heather doesn't want the same thing as me," Shawn rebutted.

Someone had knocked on Shawn's apartment door catching the attention of everyone in the room. Shawn got up wallowing, swung the door and was met with a teary eyed Heather with a shoebox held against her chest.

Cory and Topanga were instantly interested, and spied while Shawn was speechless.

"Heather," Shawn said in a low tone. He slowly walked out into hallway, shutting the door allowing some privacy between the two of them.

"There are 12 letters in here. One for every month of my first year away from you, and they're all addressed to you. I didn't send them because I was scared that you hated me for leaving, and that you would never write me back. I had always liked you Shawn, but then when I moved, I never had the chance to tell you how I felt. Then Declan happened. My parents divorce happened. I wanna be with you, but I'm scared," Heather confessed, finally letting her guard down.

"I'm scared too. I had never felt this way before, and I never been in a relationship. This is all new to me," Shawn admitted. He cupped Heather's face, gazed into her eyes.

"As long as I'm with you, I'm all in," Shawn said.
"I'm all in too," Heather replied. As they both gazed into each other's eyes overfilled with joy, Shawn kissed Heather.

    Heather leaned forward, deepening the kiss and smiled. They pulled apart slowly, as Shawn took the shoebox from Heather and let out a sigh.

   "We should go inside and tell them the news," Heather mentioned. Without saying a word, Shawn mischievously opened his front abruptly, resulting in Cory and Topanga getting hit in the head, and falling backwards onto the couch, from eavesdropping through the door.

    Shawn and Heather both laughed at their goofy friends. Cory and Topanga shared a look, and in sync they grabbed Shawn and Heather and dragged them onto the couch.


shawn and heather are finally together!!

sheather? or hawn?
hunclair? or sinter? (none of these sound cute lol)

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now