16: prom

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The night had finally arrived after 18 years of waiting. Heather and Topanga gotten ready at Heather's house, waiting for their dates to pick them up. As Topanga walked out of the bathroom and into Heather's bedroom, she stood in front of the full length mirror. Suddenly, Topanga begun to shed a few tears which instantly worried Heather. Does she hate the dress? Oh my god... she hates it, Heather thought.

"Why are you crying? Please don't tell me you are crying because of the dress..." Heather rushed over to Topanga and stared at her through the same mirror. Topanga turned around facing Heather and hugged her tightly. "I'm crying because the dress is beautiful. I love it," She explained.

Heather begun to cry as well in response, but the two quickly wiped their tears to protect their makeup. After Heather had changed into her prom dress as well, Mrs. Sinclair had waltzed inside with her camera. She snapped a couple of shots with a glass of wine in one hand, and showered them with compliments.

"Now you girls have fun, and most importantly stay safe," Meredith stated maternally. "And remember, you women have all the power," Meredith said with a wink and headed back downstairs. Heather and Topanga both laughed in embarrassment. Hearing the talk from parents will never be easy to hear.

"Have you and Shawn ever..." Topanga slowly asked in a low tone. "Not yet. There are moments where we were getting close, but always got distracted. We haven't sat down and discussed it," Heather replied. They exited Heather's room and walked down the spiral staircase to wait in the foyer.

"What about you and Cory?" Heather asked.
"We sat down and discussed it," Topanga responded. "I said we'll do it if everything goes exactly, perfectly right." Heather crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at Topanga. "So in other words... when you say so," Heather concluded. Topanga nodded and Heather let out a laugh.

The doorbell rang and on the other side stood Cory and Shawn. They were nervous to say the least, knowing that by tonight they would become men. Both of them had intended to ensure that tonight would go smoothly. Especially Cory who had been waiting for this moment for 15 years.

Heather opened the door and her eyes lit up at the sight of her handsome boyfriend in a tux. His hair was slicked back which he loved dearly. Shawn was speechless once he locked eyes with Heather, and eyed her stunning gold prom dress. "You look... wow," was all could escape Shawn Hunter's lips. "You look wow yourself," Heather said, returning the compliment.

Meredith rushed into the foyer and ordered the couples to pose for the camera. After posing in traditional prom poses, they headed to the limo to arrive at prom.


Jack and Eric had decided to help chaperone the prom at John Adams High. They had both realized they spent majority of their time at prom worrying about what might've happened afterwards, instead of enjoying the moment. The pair had agreed that it was their civil duty to ensure that the teenagers stayed inside the venue.

Heather and Shawn were dancing to the upbeat song on the speakers enjoying the biggest night of their lives. Shawn twirled Heather around and reeled her in close, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, with her back against his chest. He rested his chin on her shoulder as they both swayed to the music that was coming to an end.

"How about we get out here soon," Shawn suggested. Instantly Heather knew where the conversation was going, and as long as Shawn was ready, she was too. "And go to where," Heather replied lowly. "Your place, and have a party for two," Shawn said with a smirk on his face.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now