11: who's your valentine?

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  Love filled the air at John Adams High, as today was a very special day. Valentine's day. A day that Shawn Hunter had never experienced in its full glory, until today. Now that he and Heather are in a committed relationship and had made it to this milestone, he was nervous to execute the romantic rendezvous he hadn't prepared.

Ever since Heather opened up to him at the ski trip, his mind had been preoccupied with tiring thoughts.

"4 guys, Cor. I mean, how do I compete with that?" Shawn said in exhaust as he banged his head on his locked. "Shawny, so what, it shouldn't matter... but 4," Cory comforted Shawn, but slightly failed to do so, as Cory processed what Shawn had told him earlier.

"She probably expected me to be some sex god, and I don't know, I just don't want to disappoint her," Shawn confessed his insecurities to Cory. He was upset at himself for letting Heather's body count to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Plus, it's my first Valentine's day with Heather, I'm scared I'll screw it up," Shawn shut his locker, and swung his backpack around his shoulder. "I'll help you Shawny, as I am a Valentine's day veteran." Cory stated.

Cory begun to tell Shawn of his and Topanga's annual Valentine's date. Meanwhile, not too far away, Topanga and Heather were on the teal sofa reading a letter they found from Lauren addressed to Cory. A letter that entailed Lauren's feelings, and in full detail of what happened between them while Cory was injured, including the kiss.

"What you gotta do is to simply follow my lead," Cory said with a smirk.

Topanga pushed Cory against the locker in anger with Lauren's letter tight in her hand. "Follow me," She ordered. Shawn copied what Topanga did to Cory, with Heather, as he followed Cory's advice before Topanga had interrupted them.

Heather was taken aback but she was also turned on. A smirk grew on her face as she leaned against her locker, with Shawn's arm against it as well, towering over her. "Hello to you too," Heather greeted.

"We're still on for tonight," Heather asked.
"Of course. I'll be at your door by 6 with a dozen of roses and a box of chocolate," Shawn reassured, as he leaned into a kiss.

Shawn walked away, as Heather opened her locker with butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She hadn't felt such happiness in a long, and to be with a guy who didn't judge her and accepted her with open arms was what she cherished at this very moment.

That was until a trio of Shawn ex-situationships crowded Heather at her locker. Confused, Heather shut her locker slowly and raised an eyebrow at Libby, Dana, and Jennifer.

    "Heather, we have to warn you about Shawn," Dana stated, as Jennifer and Libby backed her up. "Shawn's a great guy, there's nothing to warn me about," Heather replied, but the girls wouldn't budge.

    "I thought so too. He made me a picnic in the snow, told me how special I was, and that we will be together forever. He even made plans with me for this Valentine day," Dana reiterated.

    "He made plans with you this Valentine's day? He made plans with me and he said I was his girlfriend," Libby chimed in. "Which I was for a week," She quickly added.

   "I had two weeks, but he gave me a cold," Jennifer responded. Heather was bombarded with the girls of Shawn's past, which she was aware of, but didn't expect to hear the stories from the girl's point of view.

   The three girls continued to convince Heather that Shawn was incapable of being a boyfriend, and committing to a Valentine's date knowing it was important to a relationship. As they kept on telling Heather that Shawn would flake and stand her up, Heather gathered herself and cleared her throat.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now