12: pity party

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chadwick boseman as charles sinclair

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chadwick boseman as charles sinclair


Today was Heather Sinclair's 18th birthday, and it felt like any ordinary day. Over the past couple of weeks, things were a lot complicated with Lauren coming to Philly. Both Shawn and Heather found it hard to believe that Cory and Topanga had broken up, and as a result they spent their time comforting their best friends. Heather hosted some slumber parties to keep Topanga's mind off of Cory, that she had nearly forgotten that her birthday was today.

Every year for Heather's birthday, her parents would barge into her room in the morning with a cupcake while singing happy birthday. For the very first time, the tradition was broken with her father still living in LA, however her mother managed to continue to keep the tradition alive.

Meredith came into Heather's room with a vanilla cupcake and a candle. "Happy birthday, my beautiful baby girl," Meredith greeted, kissing Heather on the forehead. She blew the candle and thanked her mother. "Oh, you're no longer a baby. You're becoming a beautiful woman," Meredith corrected herself and hugged Heather. "Don't stay out too late, because we're having a special dinner tonight," Meredith mentioned.

"Can I bring Shawn," Heather asked. Meredith nodded, as she got up from Heather's bed and continued to get ready. "My meeting with my client will be done by 6, so be ready at 7, okay," Meredith told Heather.


Shawn spotted his petite girlfriend by her locker, which he had been waiting for the past 20 minutes so he could give her the most grand happy birthday welcome. He crept behind her and covered her eyes with his hands. "Guess who?" Shawn sweetly asked.

Just by his touch Heather already knew it was Shawn, and once she heard his voice, her smile grew. She removed his hands from her face and spun around. Shawn welcomed her with a long kiss, and gripped onto Heather's kiss. Shawn slowly pulled away as he whipped out a shoebox from his backpack. "Happy birthday to the most beautiful girl in Philly," Shawn said with a grin.

Heather accepted the shoebox knowing what truly lied inside. Not a pair of red bottoms, but a pile of letters all addressed to Heather. She was overwhelmed with happiness, to be with someone who truly cared for her and found ways to show their admiration.

"I finished reading all tweleve of your letters, and I began writing these since we got together. I know they're not diamonds, but-," Shawn mentioned vulnerably. Coming from a poor household, and having little to nothing, Shawn was slightly insecure of his relationship with Heather in the sense that, he could never give her as much as she could give him.

"Shut up," Heather cut him off. Shawn's gift was precious to her, and found it baffling that she'd rather receive Tiffany's instead. "I love this, I love you," Heather let out.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now