23: top of the world (part 1)

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         It was an ordinary day at PennBrooke where Heather was on her way to class. With each step that she took, her mind was preoccupied with what occurred the past week. She was confused emotionally as to why she felt indifferently about Declan. He had a harmless crush, she thought to herself. But at the end of the day, Shawn was her boyfriend and she loved him. And if he felt uncomfortable with Declan being around, she respected that by distancing herself from him.

    Mr. Feeny begun to recite a student's poem at the end of class. A beautifully written, detailed and descriptive poem that captivated Heather.

   "I can't believe someone our age wrote that," Heather commented in awe.

   "Someone like Mr. Hunter? It's a beautiful piece," Mr. Feeny revealed as he handed the poem back to Shawn.

  "Hey, how come you never told me that you write?" Heather inquired. She was surprised that she had no idea that her own boyfriend was an incredible writer. Heather and Shawn told each other everything, or so she thought.

   "I don't know. I just write things down," Shawn explained as he got up from his seat.

   "I host poetry readings in the student union on Friday evenings. If you would feel comfortable to share that would be-"

   "No thank you, Mr. Feeny," Shawn politely declined.

   "Oh, he will," Cory chimed in. "Maybe I can read some of my own poems, huh," Cory joked.

   "Count me in as well," Declan said as he rose from his seat.

   "You guys all are welcomed," Mr. Feeny concluded as he left the classroom.

    Shawn was the one first to leave as Cory chased after him, while Heather, Topanga and Declan slowly followed after.

  "Shawn, hey, don't just blow this off," Cory said.

  "Cor, enough with the pressure," Shawn said bluntly.

"No, I know you. If I don't pressure you, you're gonna flake," Cory argued, letting his stubbornness take over the conversation.

   "Shawn, everyone loved your poem in class. I'm sure everyone would love any poem in that beige journal of yours," Heather eased Shawn, as she referred to the notebook he held tight within his grip.

   "You're Feeny approved, not many poets can say that," Heather added as she rubbed his arm.

    Declan's eyes were glued to Heather's arm on Shawn's in envy. He couldn't bare being in the same space as them, as heartache washed over him. He needed to get Heather back, and just because his plan failed initially, he was determined to win her over.

   "If it makes you feel any better, I'm nervous to perform too," Declan stated vulnerably.

  Shawn's eyes darted at Declan's warm blue ones, unconvincing of his soft facade. Shawn witnessed the dark and twisted side of Declan that no one else had seen, and was tired of Declan's shenanigans.

   "Actually it doesn't." Shawn replied.

   "Shawn, Declan's just trying to comfort you just like we are." Topanga came to Declan's defence.

   Shawn rolled his eyes at his friends who were all agreed to what Topanga said, taking Declan's side.
Instead of lashing out, he knew the only way to end the conversation was to take Cory's advice.

   "Fine, I'm going. But that doesn't mean I'm going to perform," Shawn settled on that, as they all smiled.


Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now