37: they're killing us

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"Come on! What's taking so long?" Topanga yelled out. She closed her bridal magazine, and watched her two best friends stomping down the stairs. 

 "Those are the most beautiful dresses I have ever seen," She says with her voice breaking from pure joy. 

  Heather and Rachel shared a worried look. They had hoped Topanga would realize how hideous the poufy, purple and pink, bridesmaid dresses were. But when Morgan came down the stairs, she expressed the feeling everyone but Topanga was feeling.

   "What are you? Psycho?" Morgan rhetorically asked. 

  "But Morgan, you look so beautiful," Topanga retorted. She couldn't believe everyone couldn't see what she saw.

 "We look like clowns!" Morgan exclaimed. 

 "Beautiful clowns!" Heather tried her best to not let Morgan comments hurt Topanga's feelings. "Yeah like, cirque-de-soleil," Rachel added.

 "No, horn honking, big shoe wearing clowns," Morgan snapped back. "I ain't wearing this."

  "I don't think you guys understand what I'm going for," Topanga said as she pulled out miniature white laced umbrellas. "See, they come with parasols!" She explained as she twirled them.

  Heather and Rachel shared a distained look, and Heather felt the urge to intervene. 

 "Hey girly, I just don't think these dresses are bridesmaid appropriate, it's princess ball gown style. With cheap itchy tulle, horrible stretch, god who made this dress? A child with two left hands!" Heather freaked as she analyzed the dress she was wearing. She couldn't bring herself to be okay with the dress' existence. 

  Meanwhile Morgan took off her dress and beat it with the parasol. 

 "You know what? If you guys can't wear these dresses, and get caught up in the magic of my southern belle wedding then... who needs y'all!" Topanga cried out as she walked away.

 "You're from Philadelphia!" Morgan shouted.

"What are you wearing!?" Shawn teased Heather as she entered the student union and joined him on the couch.

 "I think this dress has Medusa's powers, everyone stays completely still after I pass them," Heather exaggerated.

Shawn laughed and continued to poke fun of Heather in the ugliest dress he'd seen. 

 "So, how does it feel to be Cory's best man?" Heather asked.

 "I wouldn't know, I told him to pick Eric," Shawn said. 

 "But you're his best friend."

 "And he's his brother."

 Although it would make sense for Cory to pick Eric, Heather knew Shawn was the obvious choice. She had no doubt Shawn would be the man standing next to Cory on his wedding day. 

"That would mean Eric would be walking me down the aisle, as I'm Topanga's maid of honor, in this dress," Heather thought out loud.

  "Okay yeah, I'm definitely gonna be Cory's best man," Shawn retorted once he realized he wouldn't be walking Heather down the aisle. Heather giggled when she noticed Shawn getting protective as he gripped his arm around her shoulder.

 Meredith Sinclair rushed into the wedding hall where she was supposed to meet Cory and Topanga. Her plane landed at the same time she made her appointment, but after hailing a cab, she finally met the engaged couple.

 "Cory, Topanga, sorry for running late," Meredith apologized as she shook their hands excitedly. "You guys were babies when you guys got together, and now you guys are getting married." She cheered with joy. 

 "It's nice to see you Mrs. Sinclair," Cory responded as he smiled back at Meredith. 

 "We can drop the formality, we're family, call me Mere!" 

 Alan and Amy rushed in as well hoping they didn't miss much of the wedding planning. They greeted Meredith, and begun the planning.

 "Okay so I understand this hall seats 80, but with everything furnished, and the layout, we can only fit 65," Meredith told them.

 "But our guestlist is 270," Topanga said. 

 Meredith's face dropped, and knew it would be impossible to include that many people in the cozy wedding hall. 

 "Then shall we look at other venues, I know the Philadelphia Victorian Hotel can fit at least 300, it's so spacious and-"

 "Thank you Mere, but that's way out of our budget," Cory interrupted, as he didn't want Meredith to waste her time on a fairytale.

 Meredith sighed and was faced with reality. Not everyone had the luxury of not worrying about having enough money for anything. 

 "You know what, I know a guy who owes me a favour, let's see what I can do about the new venue, but in the meantime, Alan you're going to provide for music and beverages?" 

 The wedding planning became a circus show as Alan tried to focus on spending as little as he can, with random musicians in the wedding hall, including Feeny with a fedora and a saxophone. 

 Shawn brought back the bridesmaids with fake smiles and praises to their dresses. All for Morgan to completely break character and expressed her hate for the dress. 

 The stress of the wedding had overwhelmed Topanga where she couldn't stop her from twitching, and out of the blue, Eric came in with Jack, and professed his "secret love" for Topanga.


 "I never knew planning a wedding would be completely overwhelming," Shawn stated as he joined Heather on her bed, where they sat against the headboard. 

 "Promise me for our wedding, we're gonna keep it simple. No more than 50 people, and in a nice backyard," Shawn explained.

 Heather smiled widely and stared into Shawn's eyes. 

 "Our wedding?" She asked softly. 

 Shawn's cheeks turned red, and he nodded slowly. "Yeah, I don't really see my wedding without you walking down the aisle," Shawn replied with a shaky voice.

 "Okay," Heather said with her cheeks flushed. "No more than 50 people. Anything else?" 

 Shawn smiled back at her, and sighed with relief. "That's all for now."

 "Is it too soon to discuss kids?" Heather joked. Shawn joined in the laughter and nodded. "A bit too soon."

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now