10: sex, sex, sex yeah!

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        All of the seniors at John Adams High were gathered in the hall to prepare for their ski trip, spending their last year of high school creating memories. By Heather's locker, Heather and Topanga watched their cute idiotic boyfriends plan the midnight switch, one of the oldest tricks in the books.

"Aw, look at those two," Topanga admired from afar. The both of them lingered at their boyfriends who were too invested with their blueprint. "It'd be easier to turn them down, but the fun thing to do is...," Topanga waved, as Shawn and Cory looked over at them cheerfully.

"We love you," they said in unison, being on their best behaviour to ensure that their trip go as planned. "Never gonna happen," Topanga finished, as she waved back at Shawn and Cory.

"I don't know it could be exciting," Heather stated, leaning into entertaining the idea of spending the night with Shawn. "The mountains, hot chocolate, snuggling by the fire, and then ending the night cuddling with each other," Heather said in a fantasized trance.

Topanga raised an eyebrow at Heather, who spoke at the idea with a bit of too much passion, as if she already had experience. "Heather, have you ever... done it," Topanga asked in a whisper tone.

"Yeah, I mean, haven't you and Cory?" Heather asked. Topanga shook her head in response, as Heather's gasped. "I mean 15 years, and doing the math with the appropriate years... that's like 3 years," Heather replied.

Topanga was well aware of the stigma that came with being a virgin as a teen, but she didn't pay no mind to any of it. She was saving herself until marriage, and although it may be a long time she didn't mind. Topanga wasn't judgemental of Heather either, she was just excited to have a conversation with someone who had experience.

"Was it with Declan," Topanga inquired. "The first time?" Heather asked. Topanga gasped in shock. She was shocked to know that her best friend was a little naughty. "Hey, don't judge me. I'm being safe, and I'm allowed to explore my sexuality," Heather defended herself.

John Adams' teenage culture was a complete 180 from Heather's private school in LA. Sex, drugs, and alcohol were much widely discussed and heavily practiced. The reality that those three impressionable years of high school had hit her, and she experienced a completely different life compared to her childhood peers.

"No, no, I'm not judging at all. I just never had a girl friend to talk about these things with, let alone someone with experience," Topanga explained. Heather shook off her protective shield and began to pull Topanga to a corner to discuss her love life.

"First time was with Dominik Romano. He was a cute Italian guy I had met in the summer while I vacationed in Italy. He would pick me up from my hotel with his Vespa and we would ride to the beach, and watch the sunset," Heather told, reliving the memory. Topanga being a romantic was in awe of the fairytale story Heather had just told.

"Then, it was Nate. He was a senior when I was a junior, and it kind of.. just happened. Oh, and there was Ryan from summer camp. Then Declan.... and now, I want Shawn," Heather stated, gazing at her boyfriend from afar. Reflecting at her past partners, Heather wished that it had been only Shawn. He was the one that really knew her, appreciated her, and treated her well.

   "Does Shawn know about Dominik, Nate, Ryan, and Declan?" Topanga inquired. "No, but just like me he hasn't told me anything," Heather replied.

   "Maybe because there's nothing to tell," Topanga said, leading Heather to presume the following, "Shawn's a virgin?" Heather whispered leaning into Topanga's face.

   Who would've thought that John Adams' High infamous cool guy, Shawn Hunter was a virgin? Heather quickly realized what it meant to make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me', when she assumed that Shawn had done it before. She was hesitant to tell him, scared that he would view her differently. Then she contemplated on even telling him at all. She knew in high school you're either a prude or a whore when you're a girl, but when you're a guy you're cool or a loser. The last thing she'd want was for Shawn to judge her.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now