13: poser

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Shawn spotted Heather not too far away in the hallway, and very sneakily with his camera from work he snapped a shot of her off guard. The flash irritated Heather's eyes causing her to cover them. She quickly recovered and Shawn greeted her with a peck on the cheek, and showed her the photo he had just taken.

"This should be the cover of next month's spread," Heather said sarcastically, joking at herself. "I got a new camera for work, and I'm just playing around with it. You mind being my muse while I get the gist of this bad boy?" Shawn asked. His heart belonged to the camera, and was genuinely happy that he was able to get a job doing what he loves. Although he was working temporarily, he could see himself doing it for the rest of his life.

Heather knew how much Shawn enjoyed being behind the camera, and was urgent to agree. As they both walked to Mr. Feeny's history class, they noticed their best friend Cory sitting in Shawn's unassigned assigned seat. They were saddened of Cory's and Topanga's breakup, and was not use to them distancing themselves from each other.

"You're in my seat buddy," Shawn commented. "I know, but the wife and I are separated," Cory explained. Instead of arguing, Shawn settled and sat in the middle where Cory usually sat. Heather sat next to Topanga in the front as Mr. Feeny began to teach today's lesson.


At the studio, Heather spotted Shawn adjusting the lighting fixtures and the set of the studio space. She laid down a couple of her original Heather Sinclair designs on a nearby table that she had brought to pose in. With senior year coming to an end, Heather had started to work on her upcoming clothing line.

As Heather began to undress herself behind a folding screen, Shawn had finished setting up the studio and waited for Heather to reveal her first outfit. She walked out in a black fitted long sleeved, full length sheer dress, with double lining from her chest to thighs to cover her exposed areas. In complete awe, Shawn was speechless.

"You look, wow," Shawn said. Heather smiled as she made her way to the set and begun to pose. With props readily available, she grabbed a rose and shot for the camera. After a couple of outfit changes, a light bulb appeared above Heather's head and had a whimsical idea.

   "Take off your clothes," Heather ordered. Shawn stared at Heather, not being able to believe that their first time together would happen so suddenly. After a second of being still, Shawn quickly took off his shirt, unbuckled his belt and tripped while getting out his pants. "I didn't imagine our first time to be here right now of all days, but I'm down," Shawn let out and he stood there in his underpants.

   Heather grabbed his clothes from their floor and laughed as she undressed herself and wore his clothes and threw her dress at him.

   "Me, in a dress?" Shawn said letting out a laugh. "It wouldn't be your first time. Does Veronica ring a bell?" Heather responded while laughing. Shawn didn't bother to ask how Heather knew about his undercover Veronica for the school paper, and gave in as he wore a gold slip dress.

    Heather grabbed the camera and took some pictures of Shawn. He was hesitant and slightly embarrassed to pose, but as Heather began to hype him up, his confidence sky rocketed. "Okay, your turn!" Shawn demanded with a smile, as Heather posed super grunge and 'too cool', trying to embody Shawn. The pair couldn't stop laughing at one another, and were having an amazing time playing dress up. Shawn grabbed another camera on a tripod, setting up a self-timer and they both posed jokily.

   The two laid on the floor, gazing into each other's eyes while still laughing. "I would be lying if I said that you being a dress is not turning me on," Heather cheekily stated. Shawn licked his lips, looked down and up at Heather, and said, "You wear my clothes better than me." Their faces were a few centimetres apart, and were about to lean in for a kiss. However Heather could tell that something was on Shawn's mind.

   "What's wrong," Heather inquired in a concerned tone. "I'm worried about Cory and Topanga. I mean, they're Cory and Topanga they always work things out, and I- I don't know," Shawn confessed his concerns for his best friends. "Well, like you said. They're Cory and Topanga, I'm sure they'll be fine and find their way back together," Heather reassured Shawn.

   "But this time's different, their other fights didn't last this long. I mean, Cory's not even sitting his seat," Shawn argued. Heather could tell that Cory's and Topanga's break up is having a toll on Shawn, who heavily valued their relationship. She herself wants them back together, but decided to let nature run its course. However, Cory and Topanga did help Shawn and Heather get together at Barelli's, and decided that it's her's and Shawn's responsibility to help them.

    "I have a plan," Heather stated as she sat up from the floor. "Tell Cory about Kimberly Sussman's celebratory nose job party." Shawn sat up as well, confused. "But Cory's not invited. Kimberly made it pretty clear to not mention it to Cory on the invite."

   "Don't invite him, but tell him. Knowing Cory, he'll show up. I'll handle Topanga on my end, and at the party, we'll get them alone and inevitably they'll talk it out," Heather explained. The plan wasn't complicated or deceiving, but it was worth a shot to get the pair to communicate alone.

   Shawn happily came on board and the two, stood up and got ready to leave. Once Shawn and Heather walked out the door, and head to the streets, both of them felt indifferent. "Did we forget something? I feel like we forgot something," Shawn wondered out loud. As cars passed by, many of them honked at Shawn and Heather.

   Finally, the couple looked at each and down at themselves and forgot that they hadn't changed into their own clothes. Heather hysterically laughed, unable to keep herself stable as Shawn covered himself with his arms. Being completely entertained, Heather decided to runaway from Shawn, knowing that she was wearing all of clothing.

   "Babe, come back!" Shawn shouted while trying to keep himself covered. Knowing he had little no choice, he let his arms free, and walked confidently down the streets of Philly.


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