05: a walk with heather

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kerry washington as meredith sinclair

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kerry washington as meredith sinclair


      In the morning, Heather went downstairs into her kitchen to eat breakfast that her mother, Meredith had made. It has been two months since Heather and her mother bought a home in Philadelphia, and most of their belongings were still in the moving boxes.

It's a spacious, luxurious home with little to none furniture and decor, and it felt soulless. To cope with the messy divorce, Meredith sought lusting over men to validate her femininity. That she didn't need to reveal much like the Playboy models to get a man.

Heather sat down at the dinner table, with her mother's latest boy toy in his robe and unshaven face. "Sup, Heather," Kenny spoke, taking a waffle with his unwashed hands and took the largest bite known to man. "Hi Kenny," Heather replied.

Kenny stuffed the waffle in his mouth, grabbed a glass of OJ, swallowed it whole, and belched. It would be an understatement to say that Heather was grossed out. Meredith appeared in her silk robe, took a seat and poured herself a mimosa.

"I think it's a bit early for brunch mom," Heather commented. She was worried of her mother's frequent mimosas and wine nights, especially when she's at school. "It's a bit early for your judgement Heather." Meredith responded, taking another gulp of her drink, finishing it.

The doorbell rung unexpectedly, and Heather curiously went to open the door. She was met with Shawn, and it was such a pleasant surprise. "I was in the neighbourhood, and I randomly thought, Heather lives here! How about I walk to school with her," Shawn nervously said, chuckling between each word to mask the fact he was lying.

"But you live near PennBrook," Heather mentioned, being confused.
"I didn't say my neighbourhood," Shawn added.

Meredith appeared behind Heather with her second glass of mimosa. "Wow, you have completely blossomed into a handsome young man," Meredith stated, in awe of an older Shawn Hunter. Shawn smiled in return, while Heather stared at the ground feeling embarrassed by her tipsy mother.

  "You can join us for breakfast," Meredith added. "Yo Mer, I'm fully energized now. We can go at it like rabbits," Kenny yelled from the dining table.

   Shawn looked over ahead, trying to find the source of the voice. "Actually, we're heading out," Heather stated. She grabbed her school bag quickly, placed her hand on Shawn's shoulder and ushered themselves out of Heather's house.

  She felt humiliated that Shawn had to witness a strange, unusual, atypical, and slightly gross household. From the outside, it looked like a perfect home, with a grand backyard with a pool, tennis court, and a stunning garden. However on the inside, everything was disconnected, broken, and lonely.

  Shawn only saw a glimpse of Heather's new home, and it was a complete 180 from how he remembered as a kid. It made him realize how hard Heather's transition to Philly was.

    "I'm sorry you had to see all of that," Heather apologized.
"Maybe it'll make us even for you helping me cleaning up Chet's vomit," Shawn replied.
Heather giggled, and Shawn glanced down at her in awe. He felt good making Heather feel good, and he wanted her to feel good all the time.

   Shawn has never been so selfless around another girl, but the idea of being in a committed relationship scared him. The last thing he'd want was to drive Heather away when they finally became close again after lost time. Taking things slow was his plan, and to his advantage he was good at going steady.

    "I don't regret cleaning up Chet's vomit with you, by the way," Heather added.
"I find that very hard to believe," Shawn responded as he stopped walking. Heather turned her head, noticing that Shawn was no longer beside her.

  "I mean c'mon, this coming from a dude who lived in a trailer park his whole life," Shawn stated. Heather let a sigh, and slowly walked up to Shawn. "Because afterwards, you kissed me."

    Shawn's heart began to race. His mind was retracing to his and Heather's first kiss. Right after she helped him put his drunk father to bed, 10-year old Shawn came to the conclusion that there was someone in his life that couldn't care less from where he's from. That having a lousy father, and living in an unsafe neighbourhood didn't define him.

   With Heather's almond eyes looking up at him, he gulped. Right then and there, he wanted to cup her face, and kiss her. Really kiss her. But he couldn't. He had to take it slow. No matter how long it would take.

   "And you don't regret the kiss?" Shawn asked in a low tone.

      The two made it to John Adams High, and continued the conversation at Heather's locker.

   "No, because it made me forget about everything that was going on. Didn't you feel the same?" Heather glanced up at Shawn again, she noticed his sky blue eyes were staring back at her and she felt tension between herself and Shawn.

   Shawn cleared his throat, and adjusted his backpack that was hanging on his shoulder. Heather took the words right out of his mind, because it had become clear to him that their kiss felt more than just a kiss.

   Heather's locker neighbour, Jade Stevens, came around the corner from a boy who was most certainly not her boyfriend. Jade grabbed her books, shut her locker and was met with her actual boyfriend, Brad. As Jade and Brad walked together, she looked back at the guy she just fooled around with and gave him a wink.

   "Then I'm reminded again that kisses complicates things," Heather added.
"A kiss can also make things clearer for two people," Shawn argued.

    Heather shut her locker and leaned against it. "You're one of my only friends, and I value our friendship. I wouldn't do anything that could jeopardize that," Heather replied. Shawn's heart slowly became hollow. Heather's words drained his heart out.

    The bell rung, alerting the students at John Adams High to disburse the hall. "Thank you for the walk, see you in history," Heather hugged Shawn, and left to attend her first period.

   The halls became clear, and it only occupied a lonely Shawn Hunter.


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