33: the truth about honesty

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The gang were in the co-ed bathroom getting ready for their day, and happened to be on the same schedule. Heather and Shawn were both brushing their teeth while they listened to their engaged best friends talk about their wedding plans. Cory and Topanga kept on bickering, and couldn't agree on a wedding date. Meanwhile, Heather and Shawn would make funny faces, mimicking their friends in the foggy mirror.

  "Here's your razor by the way," Topanga told Cory, handing over the razor she used to shave her legs smooth.

  An uncomfortable Cory timidly accepted it, and disguised his disgust. Topanga left before giving Cory a peck on the lips.

"She used my...blech," Cory whined.

"What's wrong with that? I think it's sexy," Shawn admirably stated, as he brushed his tongue.

  Heather took a step inside the shower after the water became warm enough, and disagreed with Shawn.

  "I'm with Cory on this one. Sharing hygiene tools kinda defeats the purpose," Heather replied, sticking her head out of the shower curtain. The thought of someone using her razor also makes her feel uneasy.

  "I thought you didn't mind when I borrowed your toothbrush?" Shawn brought up, as he rinsed his mouth, and walked to turn on the water in the shower next to Heather.

"You borrowed my toothbrush?" Heather exclaimed and tried to squirt her shampoo at Shawn while he waited for the water to heat up. He quickly jumped inside the shower after getting shampoo on his back, and whimpered once he emerged in cold water.

  "Hey! I was kidding," Shawn explained, revealing the truth.

"I just can't believe she borrowed my razor. That's just so wrong, so blech!" Cory thought out loud. Seconds after Cory felt a tap on his shoulder, and knew by her touch, Topanga was right behind him with her arms crossed.

  "If you had a problem with it, you could've just told me the truth," Topanga told Cory. They were going to be married, and Topanga made it clear she wanted an open, and honest relationship. Heather and Shawn overheard their agreement to be completely honest with each other, and knew it wasn't going to end too well.

Cory followed Topanga out of the bathroom, and Heather and Shawn finished their shower. Heather put on her robe, and turned over at Shawn who just finished wrapping his towel around his waist.

"You think that's a good idea for them?" Heather inquired.

  "It's a trap. Especially for that boy, Cory's gonna take it too far," Shawn responded, as he tasseled with his dripping wet hair, and parted it the way he liked.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now