07: dinner at barellis (part 1)

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It was the night of Cory's and Topanga's 15th anniversary and Heather was a bit nervous to accompany them alongside with Shawn. She didn't want to spend the night thinking that she and Shawn could someday share their own anniversary, but she calmed herself down and reminded herself that she and Shawn were just friends.

Despite how nice it could be to be with the one person who would always be by your side, support you in any way, and would love you unconditionally, it could also be really ugly when the person you love decides one day they don't anymore. That they would leave you and hurt you. Heather knew all to well about the risks of love, and she didn't want to go through it again.

Heather took one last glance in the mirror, and re-applied her nude lipgloss. She fluffed her wavy black hair which was parted in the middle, and adjusted the straps of her white mini dress. As she went downstairs to say goodbye to her mother, Meredith was snoozing on the couch with an empty bottle of Pinot Noir and Pretty Woman still playing on the flat TV screen.

Heather cleaned the coffee table and Chinese takeout, and kissed her mother on the forehead before heading to Barelli's.

At Barelli's, Shawn Hunter was anxiously waiting for Heather to enter. He had borrowed one of Cory's suit, and coincidentally Cory had two of same set and wore it as well.

"What if she doesn't come," Shawn nervously wondered. "She will. Just give her five minutes," Topanga comforted. After last night's hangout, there wasn't a doubt in Topanga mind that Heather would flake.

Nearly three seconds later, Heather entered Barelli's and lightly jogged to the dinner table. "I'm sorry for being late, the cab driver got confused," Heather lied. She was too ashamed to admit that she was cleaning after her drunk mother.

"You look amazing," Shawn said star-strucked. Heather blushed, and took a seat beside him. "You too. Never thought I'd see a day wear Shawn Hunter would choose blazers over leather jackets," Heather replied.

    "Magic! They're just magic," Cory whispered Topanga as they both witnessed the organic chemistry between Shawn and Heather.

   "I'm glad both of you guys could make it our 15th anniversary. I can't believe our sacred love was derived from our friendship," Topanga announced. Shawn looked over at Heather and looked away quickly, as Heather glanced over at Shawn and glanced away before he could notice she was looking at him.

   "I read somewhere that most relationships fail because the two parties weren't friends to begin with! I mean isn't that crazy?" Cory said while chuckling, trying to make it seem he hadn't prepared to state that fact.

   "Being in love is the best feeling in the world, I would love it if my best friends where in love too," Cory continued. Shawn kicked Cory's shin under the table and leaned into his ear. "Okay knock it down a few notches," Shawn whispered.

    Heather had known Cory for a long time, long enough to know that this dinner wasn't about his and Topanga's celebration of their 15th year old relationship. But she didn't know if Shawn was involved.

   The waiter came around and began taking orders from their table. Shawn took a glance at the restaurant, and decided to go with the most fancy sounding meal. He just wanted to impress Heather, and for the first time in his life, he was nervous on an unofficial date.

     "I'd like to have the Paté, please," Shawn ordered. Heather raised an eyebrow, and was confused of Shawn's dinner choice. "You like Paté?" Heather asked.

   "Yeah, of course! I just love how tasty it is, with it's... flavour," Shawn explained horribly, having no idea how to describe a dish he had never eaten. "I mean it's the best thing on the menu and it's only...  $50 flipping dollars?!?" Shawn exclaimed, after breaking character of a man who's a lover of Paté, and saw the price on the menu.

    "I wouldn't peg you for a goose liver lover," Heather sneered at Shawn, letting out a laugh. Shawn face turned sour after realizing what a Paté is really made out of. But overall, he was embarrassed for humiliating himself in front of Heather.

   His cheeks turned into a crimson red, and he got up from his seat, and stated, "I'm sorry, I can't be here."

Cory, Topanga, and Heather all watched Shawn leave abruptly, and Heather stood up and laid the napkin that was on her lap, onto the table.

   "I'll go after him, enjoy your anniversary," Heather said, as she ran out the restaurant looking for Shawn. He wasn't too far away, as she spotted him behind the restaurant.

    Shawn was pacing back and forth but stopped once he was met with Heather. Heather slowly walked up to him. Shawn ran his fingers with his hair and loosened his tie.

"Are you okay? Was it something that I said?" Heather asked worriedly. Shawn placed his hands on Heather's shoulders and rubbed them slowly. "No, I- I was just embarrassed back there," Shawn explained.

"Embarrassed?" Heather questioned. "I didn't mean to make fun of you over the paté. I didn't even know what a paté was until I went to my old private school. Actually, did you know that in most states, paté is illegal because it's quite unethical, so it's perfectly fine that you didn't-" Heather kept on rambling as a coping mechanism, but she was cut off once Shawn crashed his lips onto hers.

    Heather's lips were firm at first, but she gradually kissed him back, as the feeling was so natural. All of the nights fantasizing a reality where she and Shawn Hunter were finally coming true. But she had to remind herself that she and Shawn were just friends. Only friends. And the kiss that they were finally sharing had just complicated things.

Once they pulled apart, Shawn smiled widely while he cupped Heather's face. The fear of being rejected by the one girl he admired most had just disappeared. After sharing a kiss with Heather, Shawn was confident that everything would be alright between them and that a kiss is what they just needed.

"Why did you do that" Heather asked in a low tone. Shawn's smile slowly faded. He was surprised by Heather's reaction, he assumed she felt the same since had kissed him back.

"I like you Heather. I like you in a way that I had never liked another girl," Shawn confessed. "Listen, I want to be with you, only you."

Heather was in utter shock, she couldn't believe the words that came out of Thee Shawn Hunter. The king of dating. Certified two weeker. She was scared of getting hurt again, especially by Shawn.

"Even after two weeks?" Heather inquired. Shawn lead Heather to a bench nearby, and they sat while Shawn contemplated on how he was going to articulate his feelings.

"If you ever gave me a chance, I would do anything in my power to stay with you for more than two weeks. I know you don't have much faith in men, but I'm guy the for you Heather Sinclair," Shawn admitted, gazing into Heather's deep honey brown eyes.

"I- I don't know what to say," Heather let out. "Just tell me you feel the same and we can take things as slow as you'd like," Shawn said desperately, wanting to hear a 'yes' from Heather.

Instead, Heather got up from the bench, and wiped a tear from her cheek. "I'm sorry, I can't do this," She wept. She ran away, as Shawn was left alone, with his head faced down.

to be continued

this is part 1 out of 2.
what was your favourite part? least favourite? let me know :)

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now