17: the beginning of the end

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       The group of friends sat at their beloved spot at Chubbie's awaiting for Shawn's final letter from PennBrook. Earlier that week, they've all been accepted besides Shawn who was wait-listed. It has been a stressful week for Cory to adjust to the inevitable changes he was going through as senior year comes to an end.

   Heather placed her hand on Shawn's arm to comfort him while he nervously opened his letter. "It is our pleasure to inform you, that after our enrolment figures, you are moved off the waitlist and is accepted into PennBrook University," He read out loud with excitement. "I'm so proud of you," Heather congratulated, as Cory responded, "Thank you."

    Topanga placed her letter from Yale onto the table and let out a heavy sigh. She had only told Heather that she applied to Yale and it was time to face the music and discover if she was accepted or rejected. "T-Topanga what's that letter," Cory hesitantly asked.

Finally things were looking great for him. His best friends since elementary school were all attending to the same college and his plan on keeping things the same was going well. Until Topanga revealed the letter was from Yale. One of the best ivy league colleges in the world. Cory's face was washed with melancholy, he couldn't imagine what would happen to his relationship with Topanga if she got in.

"Well, aren't you gonna open it," Heather questioned. All eyes laid on Topanga as she carefully opened the letter. She gulped loudly while her eyes scanned across each word. Once her blue eyes lit up, Topanga let out a squeal and broke the news to the gang.

  "I got in, I-I can't believe I got into Yale," She exclaimed. Heather and Shawn clapped in joy while Cory remained still. "Heather, did you hear back from Parsons yet?" Topanga innocently wondered.

   Heather's eyes were bold as she quickly shook her head at Topanga, trying to let Topanga know to drop the topic. However, Shawn turned towards Heather in dismay. "Parsons?" Shawn repeated, being the first time he heard of this news. For the first time in his life he was truly happy, and he couldn't phantom the idea of Heather leaving again. After she promised that she wouldn't.

   Shawn looked at Heather for one more second, hoping that she would deny what Topanga said. But as each second passed, he knew it were true. He got up from the booth, and stormed off. Topanga gave Heather an apologetic look in deep regret while Heather chased after Shawn.


Heather followed Shawn to his apartment from Chubbie's while he gave her the silent treatment on the commute. Once they got inside, Shawn took off his leather jacket and threw it on the couch as he headed to the fridge for a cold bottle of water.

For as long Heather knew Shawn, she always knew the right thing to say. In this very moment she couldn't. She wasn't going to deny for applying to the school of her dreams. The best she could do was to explain herself and intentions.

"I told you I'm not going anywhere, Shawn. I mean that, I still do," Heather pleaded, slowly making her way towards him. Shawn glanced down at Heather while he felt a lump in his throat. He wanted to believe that she wasn't leaving but he knew Parsons was her dream school, and if she got in, he would lose Heather all over again.

"You're saying this now, but when you get your acceptance letter, and I know you're gonna get accepted... you're gonna leave," Shawn stated. He swallowed his emotions, preventing his tears to stream down his face. "What if I stay, for us," Heather proposed as she held onto Shawn's hands.

Shawn shook his head in disbelief. He walked away from Heather and sat down on the couch, as she followed. "No, no. I won't let you give up your dreams for me," Shawn said, grabbing both of Heather's hands while softly caressing them. "I wouldn't be able to live myself," He added.

Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now