20: old flame

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Shawn stayed in Heather's dorm for awhile longer alone with his thoughts. Just thinking about the way Declan mistreated Heather manifested a fury anger and disgust for him. He got up from her bed and swung the door open to exit.

   One the other side was Declan who was just about to knock on Heather's door.

   "Is Heather here," Declan inquired.

  "No, she's not," Shawn stated bluntly while broadened his shoulders. "And I doubt she would want to see you anyways," Shawn added, letting Declan know that his presence wasn't welcomed.

  "Listen, I just want to sit down and apologize to her," Declan confessed. It seemed as if behind the designer clothes and flashy watch, there was a good guy with good intentions. But Shawn stood his ground.

"Well, that would have to be her choice," Shawn said, as he brushed past Declan and left.


      Once the gang had gotten accustomed to their new college lives, Heather was still on edge with Declan being on campus. She would deliberately take the longer route whenever she spotted him nearby, avoid eating at certain café's when she'd know he'd be there, and it had a negative effect on her everyday life.

   "Why can't we just go to the pizzeria down the street," Shawn complained. He and Heather had planned to grab some lunch before class started, and Heather insisted they go to a place uptown.

   "Because... I heard they have roaches there," Heather replied. Shawn knew she made up the lie on the spot. He glared at her, feeling somewhat offended that Heather thought he would believe her.

   "I just don't want to bump into him, okay," Heather sighed.

  "He may not even be there," Shawn argued at his paranoid girlfriend. "You've been late to class twice in the first month because you're afraid of seeing him. Don't you think you're a bit too much in your head," He continued. Shawn gave it to Heather straight as he was concerned for how panicked she was acting.

   "Well, what do you want me to do," Heather asked as she slouched on the student centre's couch in defeat.

     She knew Shawn was right, but she couldn't help the way she felt. Seeing Declan brought her back to the worst time of her life. When her dad was cheating on her mother, witnessing her parents fighting, and later finding out the relationship she had with her boyfriend was a sick, twisted long-running joke.

   "Maybe... sit down and talk to him. And tell him how you feel," Shawn suggested while he swallowed his pride. He wasn't fond of the idea of Heather and Declan together regardless of the context, but he thought it would be best for her. To finally get closure with her ex, and really move on.

   "You sound like the devil on my shoulder," Heather joked, thinking that it was a horrible idea. Once she realized she was laughing alone, she noticed that Shawn was serious.

   "Fine, I'll talk to him. Just so that we can enjoy the pizzeria down the street," Heather gave in while she leaned in for a kiss.

   "But for now, we're still going to the one uptown just in case," She quickly added between kisses.


Yours Truly ♡ shawn hunterWhere stories live. Discover now