26: lovers to friends

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     Over the course of a few weeks, Heather had preoccupied herself in her work. After leasing out a studio space to create and expand her brand, Heather Sinclair, she had little to no time hanging out with her friends. The only familiar person she spent her time with was Rachel, Jack's and Eric's roommate, who volunteered to be a model for Heather.

   Heather and Rachel joined their friends at the student centre on the couch. They sat down exhausted while catching up with today's news.

  "How is it that you spend more time with Rachel, and we live with her," Eric exclaimed, obviously upset and somewhat envious. His lingering crush and attraction towards Rachel hadn't turned off, regardless of their agreement to remain friends.

   "Because fashion never sleeps. Besides, I think we need some separation Rachel, 14 hours of sewing clothes 5 days a week is fairly way too much time to be spending with anyone," Heather stated, as she lost control of her trembling hands that looked torned.

   "I agree, you've seen more of me than the mirror in front the shower," Rachel added, letting out a chuckle.

   However, that comment made Eric squeal loudly, as he couldn't contain his vibrating body onto Jack and Shawn, flailing away. "T-that means you've seen her n-n-n-ak-ked!"

   "14 hours for 5 days," Jack quietly whimpered, as he and Eric cried out in jealousy.

   "You men are dogs," Topanga stated as she judged the inability for Jack and Eric to control themselves.

   Cory let out a bark, siding the boys, soon after Topanga casually digging her elbow into his gut, while he silently whimpered.

"Well, I gotta finish my paper tonight," Rachel stated as she sat up, and walked away.

"And you're gonna need help with that, correct?" Eric asked as she jolted up from the couch and followed Rachel.

"And help from me too," Jack chimed in as he caught up with Eric and Rachel.

"Cory, we're gonna be late for our reservation," Topanga stated as she glanced over at her watch and noticed they were running late. They quickly got up from their behinds and waved goodbye to those who remained.

Heather and Shawn.

   "Gee, did you shake hands with Edward Scissorhands," Shawn joked as he sat closer to Heather, taking note of her bloody fingertips.

  "Nope. Just hundreds of needle pins and Rachel's unsteadiness," Heather replied, chuckling at the sight of her horrid fingers.

   "Not as bad as your hands when you finally were able to use non-safety scissors," Heather added, referring to elementary school.

   Shawn threw his head back in laughter, reliving the memories of being a bit too scissor happy. His cheeks flushed red that Heather even remembered. "The only part I remember the most is you kissing my boo-boos away," Shawn said.

   Heather laughed, yet cringed at how corny she and Shawn used to be when they were only friends. Granted they were very young, but very yet corny childhood friends.

  "And you would never return the gesture cause blood grossed you out," Heather told.

  "I know I'm a few years too late but-" Shawn attempted to grabbed Heather's hands as he taunted her of how she used to treat him back to health.

   Heather tried to hide her hands behind her while Shawn attempted to grab them. The two playfully wrestled while Shawn shouted in high-pitched voice, imitating a young Heather, saying, "A kiss would heal the boo-boo!"

      Shawn got ahold of Heather's wrist, but Heather kept playfully resisting which lead to her laying on her back, and Shawn on top, pinning Heather down, putting the two in a very familiar, compromising position.

    Their eyes both locked to each other as their laughter faded. Shawn's mouth gaped open, while his old feelings for Heather came rushing back. Heather's heart stopped beating for the second, that felt like minutes, where Shawn's hair draped flawlessly in her face. The memories of their summer vacation, and spontaneous rendezvous came flooding back. She had to remind herself that they are broken up, and if she wanted him back, she had to wait for the perfect time.

   Heather broke the tension by kneeing Shawn in the abdomen, where he groaned in pain and let go of Heather's wrists, and sat straight up.

   "I don't need anyone to kiss my pain away," Heather snarked as she got the finally punch, and sat up as well.

  "I've missed us. Hanging out and being friends," Shawn confessed.

"I've missed us too," Heather replied.

The two shared a long, lingering stare at one another while they both sat comfortably in each other's presence. Slowly, they've found themselves gravitating towards each other, tilting their heads as they leaned in closer and closer.

Before events could escalate, Heather and Shawn were both startled when Rachel came back on her way to her apartment.

   "Heather, I totally forgot, here's your sweater," Rachel said, nearly out of breath, after remembering she borrowed an article of Heather's clothing.

"I'm sorry, am I interrupting something," Rachel asked innocently.

Heather and Shawn quickly scooted away from each, furthering the distance between them. Until Rachel approached them, they weren't even aware of what was about to happen.

"No," Heather quickly answered.

"'Nothing to interrupt. Just two friends hanging out," Shawn said.

Rachel didn't believe them entirely, but decided it was best to let it go, and leave.

"It's getting late," Heather mentioned as she stood up and grabbed her belongings.

Shawn stood up as well, and agreed, as he kept his hands in his back pocket.

"Yeah, I need to get up early for an 8am class tomorrow."

Heather smiled at Shawn, slightly forced, because underneath the treacherous, long hours of working, Shawn was on her mind constantly. She wondered if he thought of her as much as she did. That he missed getting coffee with her in the morning before classes, missed the smell of the nape of her neck when he would shove his face in before every goodbye hug.

That despite them being broken up in the meantime, he never gave up on them. Despite everything that they've been through, Heather still has hope, that sooner or later, Shawn will find his way back to her. Even if that meant being friends in the meantime.

"Wanna grab coffee in the morning," Heather inquired.

"Like I said, class is in the early morning. I wouldn't be able to make it," Shawn politely declined.

He wanted to get coffee with Heather in the morning, a routine that they'd do in their relationship. But ever since he broke up with her, Shawn needed to remind himself to not lead Heather on, to not break her heart again. As hard as it was to slowly let the one he loved most go, he believed in the end it'll be worth it.

"Yeah, yeah of course," Heather replied, shaking her head. She felt foolish for thinking Shawn was interested, and hurt by his rejection.

"Well, I'll see you," Heather added, as she ducked her head, rushing past Shawn.

Shawn turned around, watching Heather leave, visibly hurt. He let out a heavy sigh, as he sulked in his raw emotions, and left the student centre which now remained empty.


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