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WOOO FIRST CHAPTER, remember when I said there would be another part of the story, this is a omegaverse / mafia story!!! I wanted to add something new to the dnf fanfic community!

This story will have murder, nsfw, R#PE, assault, all that kind of stuff!



George sighed as he sat up.
"God.. this heat thing is really getting too me.." He panted as he got off his bed, making his way to his small rundown kitchen.

"Fuck.." George sighed before he checked if he had his heat supplements... but too his surprise- he was out.


"Great now I have to fucking walk to the fucking store." George slightly whined as he wandered over to the front door.
"This is stupid." He hissed under his breath.

Once George left he didn't even care too lock his door behind him, he had nothing valuable anyway- his apartment was basically destroyed and only the lowest of the low lived in his apartment.

George felt himself get warmer and warmer as he wandered down the street- he was wanting to be relieved of this feeling.
"F-fuck.." his heat started to get worse.. and he really did not like it.

George was praying that an alpha wouldn't smell his scent- but still most likely not.. it's late at night- but there is always a chance.

Once he came upon the store- he practically ran in as fast as he could and went to the front counter.

"Heat.. supplements.. please" George panted as he placed the cash down on the counter.
"I really need them-" he didn't even bother too say Hi.

The cashier rolled there eyes as they grabbed a box off the shelf.. glaring at George before throwing it onto the table.
"There you go." the cashier took the money from the counter and put it in the register.
"Now get out... your stench will attract unwanted attention."

And without a second thought, george took the box and went outside.

he quickly struggled to open the box before he took one of the pills- swallowing it without hesitation...

Instantly l George. had a feeling of relief of come his body.
"God it's late.. I should head home.." he looked up at the dark sky.
"These should keep me prepared for awhile."

George started to wander back home... not having a care in the world..

but as he was passing an alleyway- something caught his attention.. a noise..? no a thicker scent..

"Oh my god stop wasting our fucking time!" A voice echoed in the allyway.

George quickly turned and looked into the allyway... and quickly noticed 3 men cornering someone... what the hell..?

Was that an omega getting jumped by a few betas..?

George took a whiff of the air and his eyes instantly widened.
"Fuck- fuck" it was not good.. it smelt like..

.. four betas and.. An alpha!

Son of a bitch... this is not good for him- the alpha could easily catch a whiff of his scent.

George nearly stepped back but curiosity over whelmed him..

he was curious.. so curious that he quickly hid behind a trash can just far enough to listen to the strangers.


"I don't have the money!!" The beta yelled back.
"Please!" He whined, shaking his head.

"You've had month! We need our money now!" Another beta snapped.. keeping there arms crossed.
"Your little group can't keep stalling! We have given you enough time!"

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now