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George shuffled faintly on top of Dream... he sensed the blonde was awake.
"Mmm.. good morning" he mumbled.

"Morning" Dream hummed happily, stretching his arms around George.
"How was your rest love." He tilted his head.

"Really nice." George perked up.. soon realizing he hasn't had a shower for a few days.... Or since he got here......
"But... I think im going to go have a shower-" he mumbled as he was about to sit up Dream stopped him.

"Cover yourself with a blanket" Dream covered George in a blanket.
"Okay?"he hummed.

George was confused... but just nodded and covered himself with a blanket before getting off of Dream.
"Why?" He was confused.

Dream pointed over to Sapnap and Karl.
"They're here and I don't want them seeing your beautiful body" he shrugged.

George broke into a sigh..
"It's way to early for that, I'll be back soon" he made his way towards the bedroom.

Dream chuckled slightly as he watched George shuffle with the blanket... the blanket was a bit large.

"You're a fucking simp."

Dream turned over to Sapnap and Karl, seeing who spoke up.

"You're the biggest simp I have ever seen" Sapnap yawned, gagging briefly.

Dream shrugged.
"At least I have someone" he smirked.

Sapnap glared over at Dream.
"Low blow man, low blow." He frowned.
"I don't.."

They both broke into a quiet laugh, not wanting to wake Karl...

"You've gotten a lot more chill since george has came around." Sapnap calmed himself before looking over at dream.
"A lot less of a prick."

"Oh? You think so?" Dream raised a brow, smiling.
"Thank you." He hummed quietly.

"Yeah a lot more approachable now, before everyone was afraid of you now only half the crew is afraid of you" Sapnap knew half the crew is still iffy about Dream and didn't like him.

"Eh I don't really care as long as George isn't afraid of me, then for everyone else I don't care" Dream didn't want George to be afraid or hate him- not anymore.

"He has never be afraid of you" Sapnap laughed, shaking his head.
"You're too soft around him"

He was once afraid of him.

"We will see" Dream sat up, buttoning up his shirt leaving the top few buttons unbuttoned.

.:George POV:.

George sat in the tub as he showered, he was too tired to stand.... And he was relaxed.

He hummed slightly as he rubbed in his shampoo, he decided to go with a rose petal scent shampoo.

Life here is not as bad as I thought it was in the beginning...

I have a great mate- everything I could need in life... great friends, the downside is wanting to be hunted down and sold on the black market.

George had a relaxing sigh as he washed out the shampoo- humming a soft tune.
"This is amazing..." he looked around at the fancy bathroom.

How did he end up dating a mafia boss..

George quickly finished up his shower and put on the pair of clothes that he grabbed from the bedroom.

he just got blue plaid pj pants and a black shirt.... He was comfortable.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now