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It's been about 2 weeks after George got shot.... And his shoulders been healing quite good..

Tonight was the masquerade- and George was excited to say the least.

"God- I fucking hate morning sickness." George winced slightly as he stood up.
"Gross." He rubbed his cheek... shaking his head.

"Yeah but it will end soon." Dream wrapped his arm around George, resting his hand the brunettes chest.
"Only a bit longer" he smiled.

"Mhm.. I cant wait" George chuckled, lightly nodding.
"No more getting sick." He couldn't wait.

"Yeah well today is the masquerade by the way." Dream nuzzled the back of George's head.

"I know! I'm so excited-" George's breath hitched slightly as he squirmed out of Dreams arms.
"I have to get ready! Why aren't you?"

Dream gave George a concerning look.
"Well..I didn't think it was.. important?" He slowly shrugged.
"It's only a dance after all."

"Maybe not for you! But I've been excited to go since I heard there was one!" George whined slightly.. looking back at dream.
"It sounds fun!"

Dream chuckled softly.
"They're pretty boring honestly, you just wear a mask and walk around talking to people, get drunk, mostly normal things at a party"  he cocked a brow.

"Ooh! That sounds fun! I don't know what your talking about!" George clapped his hands together.
"I want to do those!"

"Except the part that..your not getting drunk, or drinking at all for that matter." Dream shook his head... growling a tad bit.

"But why- oh." George forgot for a moment.
"I forgot-" he mumbled.

"Seriously." Dream wrapped his arms around George before resting his hands on the omega again.
"You're pregnant dumbass."

"Shush-" George huffed.. scrunching his nose.
"Don't remind me." He growled.

Dream chuckled slightly.
"Come on, let's go get ready." He let go of the brunette, making his way out of bathroom.

George nodded and soon following the alpha.

"Everyone else is probably ready as we speak." Dream looked at his suit hanging on the closet door.
"We are the last ones."

"Oh- then we should probably change." George wandered into the closet in look for his outfit.
"It is late in the evening... I guess my sleep schedule doesn't help with morning sickness.." he mumbled.

"Alright I should get ready as well" Dream nodded.
"But once we get back- we should fix your sleep schedule."

.:Quick George POV:.

George looked along his wardrobe.
"Ah there it is" he pulled his outfit off the rack.
"My shirt.."

George started putting on the new outfit, it was a bit tight around his chest and abdomen.
"Damn- this is tight." He chuckled as he zipped the back zipper up.

He slid on his pair of dark blue pants and made his way out of the closet.

George was confused why his top felt tighter but didn't mind.

.:Dream and George POV:.

Dream finished putting on his tux.
"Snug fit." He chuckled, patting it down

"I'm done." George walked out of the closet.
"I like it." He just needed to adjust his face.

Dream turned.. his jaw nearly dropped.. Jesus-

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now