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"I'm supposed to be in a meeting with Hannah right now... but- I kinda dipped on her.." Dream rubbed the back of his head shamefully.. looking around the store.

"Oh well.." George walked along the isle, holding zuma.
"Okay.. let's see here.." he focused on the names of the brands as he looked.

"What are we looking for again..?" Dream raised a brow as he wandered around.

"stuff I guess." George chuckled as he shrugged his shoulders back... hugging zuma softly.

"Seriously." Dream had a faint smile.
"We came here- for no reason." He tilted his head to the side, admiring George.

"Yeah- pretty much!!" George giggled as he looked back at Dream.
"Do you prefer the original sour patch kids or tropical." He held both bags up with one hand.

Dream shrugged.. his smile growing.
"Get both." He had the money.. plus he wanted both.

George nodded and put both in the basket.
"I'm surprised I'm not fat at this point, I eat so much junk food." He rubbed zumas back.
"Dream, if I was fat would you still date me?" He hummed.

Dream just scoffed.
"What kind of question is that? Of course I'd still date you." He walked over and kissed George on the cheek.
"I love you just the way you are."

George smiled as he turned and gave Dream a quick peck on the lips.
"Mm, thank you." He held zuma up.

Dream chuckled as ruffled zumas hair- but before he could say anything, someone else spoke over him.

"Are you serious? That's disgusting." A girl spoke from behind, annoyed and angry.

Dream raised an brow as he looked behind him, towards the girl.

George peaked around from behind dream.
"I'm sorry?" He tilted his head confused.
"Did we do something wrong?"

"You heard me! I said that's disgusting! Your shouldn't be doing that out in public!" She growled.
"It's shameful."

Dream looked confused... she must be a stubborn beta-... or just a dumbass
"Doing what..?"

"Making out in public! Especially infront of a baby!" The girl growled as she stomped over.
"You're so uncultured and disgusting!"

"What..? We- weren't even making out..?" George looked at the girl very confused.
"It was just a kiss..?" He mumbled.

The female beta snapped.
"I know what making out is when I see it!" She clutched her basket firmly, stomping her foot down.

"Well apparently not.. if you mind- we are trying to browse.." Dream just rolled his eyes.
"Come on love." He wrapped his arm around George's side.

"You are so disgusting." She gagged.

"And how so? We've done nothing wrong." Dream growled as he turned back.. he was. Annoyed.

George stood there, holding zuma carefully... he was hoping it wasn't loud..

"Dating one of the same gender is a sin!" She covered her mouth so she wouldn't 'throw up'
"You're a sin against this world"

George looked unimpressed... whatever
"You should be able to date whoever you want" He looked up at Dream.
"As long as you love them, it shouldn't matter who you date." He looked back at the beta.
"Male- female, alpha- omega, it shouldn't matter!"

"God- you're such a disappointment to betas." She rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms.
" I can't believe your one of us."

"I'm an omega thank you very much." George corrected her.
"I prefer not to be mixed with your people." He bared his fangs.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now