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"Breakfast was good" George picked up his plate and brought it too the kitchen, placing it into the sink.

"Mhm.. very" Dream wrapped his arms around George's waist.
"Soo.." he kissed the back of George's ear.

George giggled slightly before turning around in Dreams arms.
"So are we still doing this, it's so early" he tilted his head.

"Technically it's about 6pm" Dream wheezed slightly, he didn't tell George.

"WHAT?! It's 6pm?! Why the fuck did I make breakfast!" George felt stupid for making breakfast at 6pm.
"We need a fucking clock down here." He mumbled.

"Well- if you checked outside you would see it's pitch black." Dream wheezed, rubbing George's side.
"There's windows.."

George turned to the garden and look out the window and noticed it's dark out.

"Yeah." Dream ruffled George's hair, kissing his cheek.
"Should have look."

"Alright.. let's only have a little bit of fun" George sighed, he felt like a dumbass at that moment and just wanted to forget about it.

"Mhm" Dream soon scooped up George and brought him over to the couch... flinching ever so briefly.

"Shouldn't we do this in the bedroom? What if the others come down??" George was worried Sapnap or Karl, maybe even foolish might walk in on them.

"I'll already messaged them in advance not to come down." Dream pinned George onto the couch, kissing his neck.
"I planned prior... I always do."

"Of course you did" George had a slight sigh, shaking his head.
"Just don't over work yourself.." he wanted time with dream..

Dream chuckled slightly before connecting his lips softly with George's.... Cupping the brunettes cheek with one hand.

George pressed into the kiss.. wrapping his arms around Dreams neck.

They broke apart slightly... glancing at one another.

"I see you're well enough to kiss." George cocked a brow... his smile growing.
"That's good." He nodded.

"Mhm, you should see what else I'm well enough at." Dream licked along his top teeth, smirking a little.
"Just need to give me a chance."

George giggled softly.
"Alright go for it" he cupped dreams cheeks.
"Just because I missed you so much.

Dream started tracking his hands down George's waist- towards the omegas. sweatpants.

"Mhmm.." George hummed slightly as Dream started kissing along his neck...

After awhile Dream started biting George's shoulder and collarbone slightly...just enough to leave marks brief marks.

"Dream.." George mumbled slightly, trying not to be loud.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you will be in worse condition then me." Dream lifted George chin up slightly.. smiling at the omega.

George tilted his head thinking for a quick moment.
"Well id prefer you not too, I wanna be in charge for awhile longer" he stuck his tongue out slightly.
"Besides I make the calls, foolish said I was in charge of your work"

Dream rested his arm next to George head.
"Yeah he said your in charge of work, I'm in charge of what happens in bed." He tilted his head, matching George's.

George's eyes widened slightly.
"I-" he stuttered a little.

"I make the calls." Dream whispered in George's ear, glancing over him.
"Alright dear" he hummed.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now