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George sat on the couch, calmly eating his soft taco.
"Mm." He smiled happily.

"YOU GOT ME A NEW TABLET!!" Sapnap smiled as he lifted up the tablet.
"Oh my god!" He was extremely happy.

"Don't drop it I'm not getting you a-" before Dream could finish- Sapnap dropped it- cracking the screen.

George stared at the tablet..

The room went silent as everyone looked at the tablet.

"Can I get a new iPad-" Sapnap glanced up at Dream but was quickly interrupted.

"No." Dream walked the opposite way.
"Go buy one yourself." He headed towards his bedroom.
"I'm done."

Sapnap fell to his knees a silently sobbed for his new tablet that is now broken... he felt heart broken.

"You're a fucking dumbass" George chuckled as he ate his Taco, enjoying every bite.

"Says the one eating Taco Bell." Sapnap sniffed as he picked up his now broken tablet.

"And? At least it's not on the floor." George chuckled as he glanced over at Sapnap, with a small smirk.

But as George was about to take another bite, Sapnap smacked it on the floor.

"Now it is." Sapnap glared at George.
"Now it's on the floor.

George just stared at his half eaten taco on the ground.
"Why..." He started to lightly sniffle.

Sapnaps eyes widened as he just realized- He made George cry... oh shit-

"Oh shit- im sorry." Sapnap sat down next
To George.
"Don't cry-" he didn't want his ass to get beaten by Dream.
"It was only supposed to be a joke."

George started to cry about his half eaten taco on the ground... this isn't fair.

"George- please stop crying." Sapnap hesitantly looked around, trying to make sure Dream isn't around.
"Shh- shh-"

"My taco..." George sniffed as he rubbed his eyes.
"Why did you hit it on the ground!" He didn't understand why he was crying..

"What's going on?" Dream walked back over when he heard a racket, glancing over at Sapnap at George.

Sapnap just awkwardly stared over at Dream, praying he doesn't come over here.
"Nothing-" he mumbled.

Dreams attention soon turned to George- which is crying.
"Wh- why is George crying?!" He quickly hopped over the couch, sliding himself next to george.
"Shh- it's okay." He hugged George.

"Uh- I may- or may not have slapped his taco out of his hand." Sapnap rubbed the back of his head.
"And he started crying."

Dream shot a glare over towards at Sapnap.
"You are going to Taco Bell and buying him a new fucking taco." He said sternly

"But!-" Sapnap tried to talk his way out of it.

"No, Go!" Dream growled as he pointed towards the elevator.
"NOW!" He snapped.

Sapnap grumbled before heading back towards the elevator.


"Shh.. it's okay." Dream pat the top of George's head.
"It's just a taco." He spoke softly.

George sniffled as he stared down at his taco.
"That was a really good taco..." he just wanted his Taco Bell.

"Don't worry, sapnaps getting you a new taco." Dream pulled George close to his chest, nuzzling the top of George's head.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now