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we need some action in this shit, so here you go.

Dream hummed as he walked down the isle.

"You know you didn't have to bring your gun right." George chuckled as he walked along side Dream, holding zuma in his arms.

"I know, but just in case y'know." Dream shrugged as he walked up to the front checkout. before turning to George.
"You could never know what will happen."

"It's a grocery store? What's the worse that could happen." George rolled his eyes with a smile crawling up his face, zuma just making happy noises.

As Dream had a faint chuckle, he glanced up behind George... there were a few men... they looked.. weird.

The men were faintly in the back.. wearing tactical gear and was armed with assault rifles.. soon aiming up at the two.

Dreams eyes widened.
"GEORGE GET DOWN." He quickly moved and grabbed George, pulling them behind a checkout booth as bullets echoed the store.

Dream covered George and zuma as the bullets hit the metal desk.

George's eyes widened as zuma started to cry.. the loud noises scared him.

Dream soon pulled out his gun.
"Stay down-" he lightly pushed George down as he peaked over, shooting back at the others.

"What is going on?! Why are they shooting at us??" George panicked as he tightened his arms around zuma.

Dream just had one hand on George's shoulder.
"I do not know." He grunted as he ducked down.. covering his face slightly.

Zuma just cried in George's arms.. he was scared.. he didn't know what's going on.

"Shh- it's okay zuma.." George tried calming down zuma, but him-himself was terrified.

Dream tried to remain calm but panic, stress and fear came over his body.. he needed to think of something.

Dream quickly glanced around and looked back.. the exit...

Dream parked right outside because he knew they would be quick to get out.

"George, we have to get out those door and into the car.. are you able to run while I cover you." Dream spoke in a serious tone as he looked down at George.
"I need you to protect zuma." He rested his hand on George's cheek.

George just looked at him with shaky eyes.
"Will- will you cover me." He needed to know Dream had his back.

"Yes, now GO! Get zuma to the car immediately!" Dream lightly pushed George behind him as he lightly stood up, shooting back at the others.

.: George POV :.

"Please make it out okay.."
George quickly stood up, ducking a little as he sprinted towards the doors, clutching zuma close.. he protected zuma with his life.

As he was running a few bullets missed him.. one hitting the glass sliding door, shattering it to pieces.

George yelped before continuing.. he needed to get to the car.. he couldn't get scared now.

Zuma was crying as George made it too the car, glancing back slightly and saw Dream sprinting out.

"GET IN THE CAR!" Dream literally ran as fast as he could, getting around the car.

George did as Dream said and quickly got into the car, sliding down in the passenger seat.

.: George & Dream POV :.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now