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"What do you want Dream." George mumbled as he continued to hide under cover.

"To talk." Dream rubbed the back of his head as he sat outside of the bed swing.

"I don't really want to talk to you right now." George continued to scroll through his phone.
"Not at all." He mumbled.

"I know but please hear me out.. even if I don't deserve you to listen at the moment" Dream sighed, glancing down.

George thought for a moment before sighing.
"Fine... you have 5 minutes." He shuffled a bit so he could hear Dream better.

Dream straightened himself up.
"I'm sorry George.. I'm really sorry I lost my temper out on you when you were just trying to help.." he ran his hand stressfully through his hair.
"I should have just calmed myself down and talked to you.. you didn't deserve to get yelled at."

George sat and listened to what Dream had to say.

"If I could I'd do anything to go back and change the moment.. I would." Dream started to choke on a light Sob.
"I'm so sorry George.... I don't want you to leave.." he muttered as he looked down

George's gaze softened as he could tell by just how much Dream regretted his actions.

Fuck.. I shouldn't be forgiving him..

George felt his heart ache.. he didn't want to leave anymore.. he wanted to fix what has been done even though it was probably a bad idea.. besides he would probably miss his friends and the garden.
"I'll stay." He mumbled.

Dream straightened himself up.
"What?" He was shocked.

"I'll stay but this doesn't necessarily mean I forgive you, I'm still really really mad at you.. but I'll stay." George wrapped a blanket around him as he leaned back into the pillows.

Dream had a slight smile appear across his face but he knew deep down things are going to be different now.
"So then how are things work out from now on..?"  He mumbled.

"I wanna take things slow for now... since I'm so so angry with you." George had light growl.
"I want to kick you in the nose." He snapped.. baring his fangs.

"That's fair.. is there anything I can do to fix it at the moment..?" Dream wanted to fix him and George's relationship.

"Fairy lights." George moved his way over to his phone.

"Fairy- lights?" Dream raised a brow... that's what George wants..?

George lightly threw his phone out of his nest..  aiming it towards dreams head.

It hit the Dreams head and the phone just fell in his lap.

"OW!" Dream rubbed the back of his head.

"You deserve it ass." George lightly snapped.
"I should have thrown it harder." He growled.

"Fair enough.." Dream sighed before picking up the phone and looking at the list of stuff he needs to get.
"Fairy lights and snacks..?" He hummed.

"Yeah." George nodded.

Dream sighed before handing the phone back to George.
"Yeah Ill go get it." He stood up

"Are you sure- cause wouldn't your cut get in the way?" George didn't want to over work Dream.. even though he was a dick.

"It's fine, it won't bother me." Dream shrugged as he stood up.
"I'll be back with your stuff.." he sighed.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now