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George fluttered his eyes awake as the door opened slowly.
"Mmm.. dream..?" He yawned, stretching his arms up,

"N-no... it's me and Karl.." Sapnap glanced over at Karl.
"It's only us." He mumbled.

George rubbed his eyes as he sat up.
"Where's dream....? Is he with you guys..?" He glanced around looking for dream, smiling,
"It's morning right..?"

"No.. he's not." Karl rubbed the back of his head as he looked down at the floor.
"He's not here."

"Then where is he?" George furrowed his brows.
"Is he back at home..?" He tilted his head to the side.

Sapnap took a deep inhale.
"George, an accident has happened."

.:Dream POV / the mission:.

"Everyone understand the plan?" Dream slid his mask over his face.
"Simple enough?" He hummed.

Everyone else but Wilbur nodded.

Wilbur was glaring over at Phil.

"Wilbur." Dreams tone went stern.. he didn't want to die because one of his workers held a grudge against someone else.
"Stop being childish." He snapped.

Wilbur looked back at Dream with a snarky look.
"Whatever" he huffed.

"Do you understand the plan." Dream rolled his shoulders back, adjust his rifle.

"Yes yes- I understand the fucking plan" Wilbur rolled his eyes as he looked down.
"I wrote it down" he waved his hand.

"DONT fucking give me that attitude Wilbur, I'm not dying because of your reckless bullshit" Dream snarled as he gripped the rifle as he tilted his head up.
"Got it." He wasn't pleased with the beta.

"Then let me go with you" Wilbur turned back towards Dream.
"Not with Phil." He sighed.

"No wilbur, if I didn't let George come with me I'm certainly not letting you go with me." Dream shook his head firmly.
"You need to learn how to get along with Phil."

Wilbur grumbled as he stood next to Phil.

Phil sighed as he looked up at Dream.
"We will working things out." He sighed, lightly nodding.

"You better." Dream ran his fingers through his thick dirty blonde hair.
"Or I will be mad." He nodded his head.
"Very mad."

Wilbur grumbled faintly... whatever..

Sapnap quickly punched wilburs arm.
"stop acting like a child Wilbur and just get it over with" he huffed.
"It's one night."

"Ow-... fuck- fine!" Wilbur sighed as he nodded.
"I wil." He sighed.

"Good." Dream sighed.
"Keep in contact through your ear piece's" he pointed to his ear, tapping it.
"If you see the target either kill him or group up with the closest group near by."

Everyone nodded softly.

Dream without another word soon made his way down the ally way towards the black market...

He held his rifle close to his chest as he walked into the crowd of people... no one cared for this.

"Jesus- so many people.." Dream groaned as he continued pushing through these people.. they're so many rich bastards trying to buy sell illegal items... or people.

He continued walking through the crowded area, passing by the booths filled with illegal drugs, weapons.. and some tied up omegas.

He watched the innocent omegas as they were sold away... probably for sexual desires or worse.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now