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.: morning :.

"George...I have to get up.." Dream groaned tiredly as he tried getting George off him-
"Come on.." he muttered.

"Noo.." George whined as he nuzzled into Dreams chest.
"Mine.." he didn't want Dream to leave.

"George I have work to do" Dream continued trying to get George off him, mumbling.

"Do you have too? Cant you stay" George looked up at Dream with puppy dog eyes.
"Pleaseee" he frowned.

Dream sighed softly.
"George I can't, I have work to do, next week we have the mission next week" he successfully got away from George.

"But you have been busy all week" George whined... laying down.
"At least spend one day with me?" George reached his arms up trying to grab Dream.... He wanted more then one night of sex..

"George you know I would love too but I can't, this is a very important mission" Dream ruffled George's hair slightly.
"I'll send Tommy down to keep you company"  he smiled softly.

"Tommy?" George tilted his head, Dream usually sent Karl or Sapnap down.

"Well Tommy's been bugging the shit out of me too see you again...if that's okay with you of course" Dream threw his blazer over his shoulder, looking down at George.

"Yeah I don't mind tommy...is he not apart of the mission?" George was confused why Tommy wanted to see him again- or why he isn't in the mission.

"Well with his shoulder and all, we agreed he shouldn't take part in the mission, so he can keep you company then" Dream lightly shrugged, pointing over.

"Okay, well could you carry me to the couch then?" George was still sore from last night.
"I'm still a little achy" he sighed.

Dream chuckled before he scooped George off the bed.
"Alright, Come on sleepy head." He made his way over to the living room.

"I'm not tired" George giggled as he played with the buttons of Dreams shirt.

"It's 6am, I know you're tired" Dream said as he placed George on the couch and put a blanket over him.
"You aren't a morning person."

"But I'm not" George scoffed- grumbling a little.

Dream gave him a quick peck on the forehead.
"Well I have to go now so I'll be back later tonight" he ruffled George's hair again.

"Aww, okay.. love you" George mumbled, looking up at dream.

"I love you too george" Dream smiled before making his way to the elevator.
"Have a good day." He clicked the button.

George giggled as he flopped down back first on the couch.

.:Dream POV:.

I cant wait for this stupid mission to be over with... quick and sorry.

Dream thought to himself as he leaned against the elevator walls..
"I need this to hurry..." he has been feeling guilty since he can't give the attention George deserved at the moment due to him always being busy.

"Oh my god kino! Shut the fuck up with the deez nut jokes!" Atlas yelled at the elevator doors opened.

Jesus fucking Christ...

Dream sighed as he walked out of the elevator, why did he hire them...? They don't do anything.

"Shutting deez nuts in your mouth" kino wheezed- coming up with deez nut jokes.

Atlas hit the mop at the top of kinos head.

"OW! WH- NOW IM SOAKED!" Kino was covered in crusty musty mop water.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now