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"This is going to hurt like a bitch." Tubbo opened the bottle.
"I apologize." He frowned a little, glancing at George with a worried look.

George nodded and bit down on Dreams collarbone preparing himself.
"Mhm-" he whined.

Dream flinched slightly but understood the pain George was about to go through.
"Ow-" he whispered under his breath.

"Okay, I'm pouring it now." Tubbo started to pour the hydrogen peroxide on George's cut.

George bit down harshly on Dreams collarbone as he dug his nails into Dreams back, he silently scream into Dreams neck.

Dream gritted his teeth slightly baring the pain.
"Ow- ow-... it's okay-" he pat George's back.. softly humming.

"I'm going to stitch your back up okay, I can't use painkillers yet so this is going to hurt." Tubbo wiped George's wound.

George hesitantly nodded- having faint tears prick his eyes.

"Shh.. it's okay.." Dream rubbed George's back.
"It will hurt only for a little." He nudged the side of George's head.
"It will be okay."

Tubbo started to stitch George's back, knotting it everything time he sew through George's skin.

George dragged his claws along Dreams back, continuing to silently scream and cry.

"There.. I'm done." Tubbo finished the final stitch.
"Here.. take these.. they won't kick in for another 30ish or so minutes.. but it should help with the pain." He tried giving George pain killers but he refused to let go of Dream.

"Here- I'll give it to him." Dream held out his hand.
"He might need a second-" he smiled.

Tubbo gave Dream the medicine.
"If anything happens let me know." He put everything back in his bag.
"I'm right down the hall."

"Will do." Dream nodded, glancing down at the omega in his grasp.

Tubbo made his leave, leaving Dream and George alone...


"It-hurts.." george winced, biting dreams collar bone.
"Bad-ly." He muffled.

"I know it does... but I need you to take these." Dream held the painkiller infront of George.
"They will help you." He hummed.

George nodded, moving back faintly.
"okay-" he hissed faintly.. hating every-time he moved.

Dream opened the container for george.
"Here" he gave one to george... hoping the omega will take it.

George quickly took the pill then swallowed it.
"Gross." He gagged, shaking his head.

Dream chuckled slightly before he calmed himself down.
"Here- lay down." He moved out of the way.. letting George have space to lay down.

George winced as his shoulder continued to throb.
"Ow- Dream- this really hurts-"

Dreams eyes softened as he watched the one he love suffer.
"It's okay.." He carefully picked up George, sitting up.
"Here.. I'll take you down to the garden.. okay?"

George nodded.
"Please.. I'd like that.." he wrapped one arm around Dreams neck.
"The garden- I want to go there."


Dream carefully carried George out of the bedroom.
"Careful." He mumbled as he gripped onto George making sure he doesn't fall nor rip out the brunettes stitches.

George lightly nodded... keeping quiet..

Dream carried George down the stairs and towards the elevator... he was worried George was going to hurt himself if he tried walking.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now