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The mission chapter everyone's been want 😩🤚🏻 this finna be a long chapter.

"George wake up." Dream shook George softly- soon getting out of bed.... He woke up not long ago..

"Noo.." George whined as he clinged onto a pillow.
"I'm tired." He shook his head.

"We have training to do" Dream laughed as he quickly changed into his usual outfit.
"Hurry up" he hummed.

George groaned as he sat up... a little sad.

"Here put these on and meet me at the elevator" Dream threw a shirt, hoodie and some sweatpants at him.

George sighed as he knew he needed to train for next week... so he quickly changed into the clothes Dream gave him...and wenta for the elevator.

.:Dream and George POV:.

Dream smiled as he looked up at the ceiling waiting for George.

"Alright.. let's get this over and done with" George whined as he rested his hand on his abdomen.... He was sore.

"We don't have to do this if you don't want too, I can train alone and teach you another day" Dream looked over a George with a slight bit of worry... maybe he's pushing it a bit.

George shook his head. " I'll be fine, just slightly sore and tired.." he yawned before making his way into the elevator..

Dream followed soon after george.... He was extremely worried for george.

"You sure?" Dream wanted to make sure- he didn't want to hurt George at all.. especially if he's hurt.

George nodded.
"I want to do this, it sounds like fun" he smiled happily.

Dream smiled as he nodded, swiping his card and clicking a button.
"I'll take it easy on you." He chuckled.

George broke into a slight laugh until the elevator open revealing the armoury.

"Cmon the training area for combat is over here" Dream nudged his head over too a mat to train on.
"I've barely used it.." he walked onto the mag.

George followed onto the mat and flopped down on it.

"You know we can't train if you fall asleep on the mat" Dream crossed his arms and deeply hummed.

"Well I don't even know what supposed to do." George sat up and looked over a dream with an annoyed look.
"I'm just a petite omega."

"That's why I'm going to teach you now get up" dream held his hand out for George.. nudging his head.

George gladly took the blondes hand and Dream pulled him up.
"Okay so what's first." He stood there.
"What do I do."

"Try and throw a punch at me." Dream stood a few steps ahead of george... holding his hands up.

"Are you sure..?" George was a bit worried.
"I don't want to hurt you.." he mumbled

"George I am literally a mafia boss I've been punched and shot before" Dream had an unimpressed look.
"Hit me." He spoke firmly.

"Fair enough" George sighed, he frowned.

"Now try and hit me" Dream stood there waiting for George to hit him.

As George tried throwing a punch before he could Dream grabbed his arm and turned him around pinning his arm behind his back leaning him forward slightly.

"You're very slow" Dream leaned over laughing... holding George's arm behind his back.

"You said too throw a punch! So I threw a punch!" George whined as Dream let go of his arm.
"You didn't say arm grabbing!" He rubbed his arm.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now