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Trigger warnings: body shaming himself.


Dream placed George on the bed.
"Here let's find you some better clothing.." he went into the closet to find some clothing for George.

George played with his fingers as he sat on the bed....waiting for Dream to return.

"Here, take off your hoodie and change into these clothes" Dream returned with a shirt and some shorts.
"They are much cleaner.." he nudged his head.

George nodded before taking off his hoodie, he winced slightly as he moved his shoulder up before throwing the hoodie on the ground.
"Ow-" he winced..

"Is your shoulder still hurting you" Dream looked over at George's shoulder.

"Yeah not as bad as yesterday though" George looked over at his bandaged up shoulder.
"It will get.. better- I hope.." he winced.

"At least you didn't get shot like Tommy" Dream sighed as he helped George take off his shirt.
"You got lucky." He smiled.

"Yeah.. speaking of which how is Tommy? I haven't seen him since the mission" George threw his old shirt on the ground before putting the new one on.

"He's in his room, or what he's like to call it 'L'manburg" Dream rolled his eyes, shrugging,
"Something like that.."

"L'manburg?" George giggled slightly... he thought it was funny.

"Yeah he shares a room with Wilbur, here's your sweatpants." Dream gave George a pair of sweatpants.
"He named it after our group... but we are usually just are called Dream team."

George didn't even care Since Dream as seen him in his boxers before, he took of his old pants and put on the sweatpants.
"I feel less gross now" he laughed slightly before flopping onto the bed.

Dream laughed slightly as he unbuttoned his classic white button up t-shirt before throwing it on the ground.
"I'm just gonna go have a quick shower I'll be right back" he headed towards the washroom.

.:George POV:.

George wasn't tired yet, he wanted to explore the floor a bit more since he was either asleep or on the couch..

Dream won't mind if I look around a bit... he's in the shower regardless.

George got up from off the bed and made his way outside of the bedroom and into the main area...

I wonder what's around here... Dream said something about a garden... apparently he took down the old garden and move some items in here..

George wandered around until he came across the other garden, this one was much bigger then his previous floor.

His gaze softened.. slowly making his way inside.

"Koi!" George quickly ran over to the pond and stood near the edge.....koi's were one of his favourites.
"You're all so pretty!" He slightly pet the few koi as they swam up to him.

The koi swam around gracefully... swimming around his hands.

George giggled until he looked around a bit more and noticed a hanging swing bed...
"Woah!" He happily smiled.

One of these butpretend it's slightly bigger with more pillows and a semi fluffy blanket)

That looks so comfy! It looks perfect... enough for him to sleep happily.

George made his way over... crawling into the swinging bed.
"Mm.." he got comfortable... snuggling happily into the warmth.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now