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"I feel like ass." Dream groaned as he laid on the ground next to the pond.
"I regret my actions from last night." He mumbled.

"Shut up." George had a snarl as he walked back into the garden, wiping his chin.
"I feel like ass every morning.." he huffed,

"Heh.. sorry" Dream rubbed the back of his head before sitting up.
"I guess now I know how you feel now"

"No you don't." George plopped down right next to dream.

"What time is it..?" Dream glanced up at George.

"Hmmm.. about 7am" George shrugged.

"FFFFF- SHIT." Dream sat up.
"We have a meeting!" He quickly scattered to his feet, running for the door.

"Okay, have fun." George shrugged before making his way towards the nest.
"I'm going to b-"

"NO- I MEAN BOTH OF US!" Dream grabbed George's wrist, yanking him towards the living room.

"What?! Why both of us?!" George looked at Dream confused.
"Why!" He wanted to throw up.

"Unless you don't want to hear about the mission then no." Dream let go of George's arm making his way over to Sapnap and Karl.

"You know what- I don't mind" George smiled as he followed Dream, he loved listening to everyone plan out the mission.. mostly when he goes on the mission.... Even though he's nearly died- twice.

"Sapnap! Karl wake the the fuck up" Dream shook the two slightly, letting go of George.

"Hmm? What..." Sapnap groaned as he fluttered one eye awake.
"Go back to bed" he waved.

"Sapnap we have a fucking meeting get up" Dream shook sapnaps shoulder again.

"Not until 7am... go back to bed.." Sapnap rested his face into the couch.
"Leave me alone."

"IT IS 7AM SAPNAP" Dream soon made his way over to the elevator.

"ITS 7AM?!?" Sapnap sat up too quickly causing him and Karl to both fall off the couch.

"Oww..." Karl groaned, hitting the ground.

"GET UP!" Dream yelled.. rushing.

"Okay.. okay.. we will be up in 10.." karl sat up, rubbing his cheeks.
"Just.. hold on." He mumbled.

"Alright! Come on George." Dream wandered into the elevator.
"We have to be quick."

George quickly ran over to the elevator getting in, grabbing his phone as he did.
"Okay." He didn't mind.

Dream groaned as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What?" George tilted his head.
"You seem annoyed..?" He hummed.

"I've never been late to a meeting- not once" Dream shook his head before looking up.
"This is frustrating.."

George chuckled lightly.
"They'll understand." He hummed."

"Hopefully" Dream had a small smile.
"But I do have to treat you equally like everyone else in the meetings." He huffed.

"Mhm, that's fair." George nodded.
"As it wouldn't be fair to treat me differently.."

There was a semi long comforting silence.

"Sooo...." George swung his hands slightly trying to break the silence.
"Do I get to go on this mission..?" He glanced up at Dream, smiling.

My little pet~ A Dnf mafia / Omegaverse fanficWhere stories live. Discover now